Auger meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Auger
As noun : आविध Ex:  Action drilling with an auger
गिलमिट Ex:  PROBE still told of a Kind auger that sinks into the earth to recognize the different layers of the ground, to drill a well, etc तूलीका बडा पेंचदार बरमा बरमा उ:   बरमा द्वारा छेद किया जाता है। बड़ा पेंचदार बरमा भेदीसार लास्फोटनी स्फोटनी हाथ बरमा
Other : छेदक Ex:  Ragrandir a hole with the auger उ:   छेदक के ही परिष्कृत रूप आधुनिक प्रकार की विविध डाइयाँ हैं।
Auger ki paribhasha : yaugik shabdon ke ant men prayukt bhaarat ko poorvi sima para, bngaal ki khaadi ke poorv or aasaam tatha chin ke dakshin ka ek pahaadi pradesh
Auger synonyms
grill tool gimlet borer
Usage of Auger in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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