Augment meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Augment
As verb :
अभिवर्धन संवृद्धि Ex:  Zappa was able to augment his studio productions with excerpts from live shows वुद्धि वृ्द्धिकाल संवर्ध उ:   रक्त संवर्ध सामान्यतः संक्रमण का संदेह होने पर लिया जाता है।
Other : आवर्धन करना Ex:  Seeking to augment the political power of the free states बढना Ex:  In terms of Greek Grammar, he Repeat means the initial consonant of the radical to the augment in the perfect verbs बढाना Ex:  The augment and repetition वर्णागम
Augment ki paribhasha : badhane ya adhik hone ki kriya ya bhaav
Augment synonyms
develop strengthen intensify enlarge add to multiply reinforce build up heighten enhance inflate boost expand amplify raise extend swell magnify mount increase sweeten pad compound progress grow aggrandize beef up piggyback tag on
Augment antonyms
compress decrease lessen weaken abridge condense curtail undermine shorten demolish destroy raze degrade halt hurt discourage lower reduce shrink contract drop depress diminish stop decline uncomplicate
Usage of Augment in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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