Authentic meaning in hindi
As noun : अक्लिष्टवर्ण Ex: The corner shop keeps authentic French Cheese.
प्रमाणभूत Ex: A fact authentic उ: ये महायान सम्प्रदाय के प्रमाणभूत आचार्यों में एक हैं । प्रमाणीक Ex: Attestation, waiver, authentic declaration प्रामाणिक Ex: authentic proof उ: साक्षात्कार प्रामाणिक हो। मुस्तनत Ex: Declaration authentic
As adjective : अधिकारवान् Ex: the set was meticulously authentic अनपच्युत Ex: Although initially accepted by some sources as authentic अविलास Ex: The machine used in the film was an authentic Enigma obtained from a collector. असली Ex: This is Canada's only authentic Absinthe उ: उनकी असली परीक्षा २००३ के विश्व कप में हुई। एतबारी Ex: There are authentic amusements: Brazilian bars चालीससरा Ex: Fitzgerald claimed that he would first write his stories in an authentic manner जेन्य Ex: Wilder also made use of authentic locales. थेट Ex: Gregorian chant was taken to be the authentic निघ्रुवि Ex: Tritus and Tetrardus: the 1st mode, authentic or plagal, the 2nd mode etc. निछान— Ex: Shimon Peres proves unequivocally that the Protocols are authentic लब्धप्रत्यय Ex: Dig a title, an authentic piece लुब्व Ex: Diplomatic Science, or as female name, Diplomatic, Science that deals with diplomas , authentic charters विशुद्ध Ex: False authentic writing उ: इसकी भाषा–शैली विशुद्ध लौकिक संस्कृत है। विश्वशनीय Ex: From an authentic manner विश्वसनीय Ex: He produced authentic titles, false titles उ: कृपया इस विभाग के लिए विश्वसनीय सूत्रों से सन्दर्भ उपलब्ध कराएँ। विश्वासिक Ex: In terms of Roman history, it means the Enumeration of Roman citizens, they were authentic declaration, all five years of their names, property, residence, etc वीतविष Ex: It also means the authentic Minutes of a conference, convention स्थिरसंगर Ex: It has established its interest in authentic pieces
Other : असंदिग्ध Ex: "I'm stuck in this idea that I need to be authentic . परवान Ex: It also leads to generate rumours which are not authentic . उ: वे आज कार्त परवान और पुराने शहर के कुछ हिस्सों में केंद्रित हैं। विश्वास योग्य Ex: In evidential form in authentic form विश्वास्य Ex: It also means authentic and Legal recognition of the powers of an envoy, agent, etc सहि Ex: It also said the Act, the writing of the authentic document used to establish a right, as
Authentic ki paribhasha : bilakul thik aur poora jisaka vishvaas kiya jaay jo baat jaisi hai, usake snbndh men vaisa hi kathan jaisa thik hona chaahie, vaisa tntr ke anusaar sharir ke andar ke chhah chakron men se paaanchavaaan chakra, jo gale men maana jaata hai bina milaavat ka shuddh jo pratyaksh aadi pramaanon dvaara siddh ho
ExamplesAuthentic synonyms
credible authoritative accurate convincing trustworthy legitimate pure reliable original actual bona fide certain creditable dependable factual faithful official sure trusty valid veritable true for real twenty-four carat Authentic antonyms
implausible improbable unlikely unreliable untrustworthy counterfeit fake falsified unauthorized unreal incredible doubtful false invalid corrupt ungenuine Usage of Authentic in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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