Automatically meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Automatically
As noun : अपने आप से Ex:  he answered automatically
As adverb :
स्वतः Ex:  Unlike windows, pixmaps are not automatically shown on the screen. उ:   याद रखें कि कुछ समय बीतने पर क्रोध स्वतः ही शान्त हो जायेगा। स्वयमेव Ex:  A convicted official is automatically removed from office
Other : आप Ex:  There is a specialised museum of automatically playing musical instruments. उ:   वर्तमान में आप ललित कला अकादमी के अध्यक्ष हैं। स्वयं Ex:  Recorded votes are automatically held in some cases उ:   ब्रह्म स्वयं की भाव इच्छा सोच विचार है ।
Automatically synonyms
naturally unquestionably undoubtedly accordingly consequently fundamentally indubitably of course perforce positively willy-nilly no doubt as a matter of course axiomatically by definition by its own nature cardinally come what may compulsorily exigently from within incontrovertibly ineluctably inescapably inexorably irresistibly of necessity pressingly significantly unpreventably vitally without fail beyond one's control routinely systematically commonly faithfully repeatedly usually frequently customarily mechanically ordinarily habitually conventionally punctually recurrently religiously tirelessly unchangingly immediately impromptu ad-lib extemporaneously impulsively unwittingly unintentionally carelessly unknowingly abstractedly disregardfully heedlessly inattentively neglectfully thoughtlessly unthinkingly
Automatically antonyms
doubtfully questionably unnecessarily uncommonly unusually erratically irregularly unevenly deliberately intentionally knowingly consciously willfully
Usage of Automatically in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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