Awkward meaning in hindi
As adjective : अदर्शनोय Ex: an awkward dancer
अनुपयुक्त Ex: The awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult उ: ऐसी दशा में रेश्म का कपड़ा अनुपयुक्त होता है। अभोक्तव्य Ex: Ann turned the awkward questions aside . असौष्ठव Ex: The double bass is large and awkward to transport उठंगल Ex: The dancers are seemingly caught off guard in various awkward poses ऊटपटाँग Ex: An awkward man in his person, a man who knows what face have औघड़ Ex: and Ironically, Beautiful boy, pretty boy, say of Him who, for some fault, threw himself in great embarrassment, in an awkward position कष्टदायक Ex: But this was more awkward onques उ: परंतु इनसे भी अधिक कष्टदायक है दूसरों पर आश्रित रहना। कुंढंगा Ex: compromise its interests by false steps, through a line awkward कुढ़ंग Ex: Do you maintain point, Having awkward and embarrassed ख़राब Ex: False maneuver, awkward approach गोबरगणेश Ex: He had awkward measures चि���्ताजनक Ex: In a way constrained, embarrassed or awkward टिढ़बिडंगा Ex: It does not say that in the figurative and colloquialism It's awkward customer, It is a difficult man to live तकलीफ़देह Ex: It is awkward in all that it is तापद Ex: It still means Who is awkward थुँदला Ex: Put the foot down, Behave an indiscreet and awkward way, or unceremoniously Talking, sometimes purposely धमधूसर Ex: Situation, awkward posture निष्कांत Ex: This is not so awkward परिमाथि Ex: You are very awkward to have said , to have made such a thing बेढंग Ex: You took a very awkward posture बेढंगा Ex: , Having the lightness of a bear, be heavy, awkward बेढब Ex: , This man is heavy, it is boring, heavy and awkward in conversation बेढ़ंगा Ex: , to be on his toes, being in an awkward situation critical, embarrassing बेवजा Ex: It was put into this party, in an awkward plot, but he pulled out of the game बेढ़गा भद्दा विभ्रष्ट विरुप
Other : चिन्ताजनक Ex: His conversation is awkward नाजुक Ex: The awkward manners बेडौल Ex: You are very awkward to have said, to have done such a thing भौंडा
Awkward ki paribhasha : jo apane sthaan par upayukt na jaan pade jisaki banaavat men ang pratyng ki saapekshik chhotaayi badai ka dhyaan na rakha gaya ho
ExamplesAwkward synonyms
amateurish rude stiff artless bulky bungling butterfingers coarse gawky graceless green incompetent inept inexpert lumbering maladroit oafish uncoordinated uncouth unfit ungainly ungraceful unpolished unrefined unskilled unskillful bumbling klutzy all thumbs blundering floundering having two left feet having two left hands stumbling unhandy troublesome unwieldy dangerous cumbersome uncomfortable inconvenient annoying perilous risky chancy cramped disagreeable hazardous unmanageable incommodious discommodious hard to use embarrassed unpleasant delicate ticklish painful ill at ease inopportune perplexing sticky thorny trying untimely compromising Awkward antonyms
adroit artful dexterous elegant graceful skillful clever handy convenient easy straightforward helpful safe secure delightful pleasant painless Usage of Awkward in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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