Background meaning in hindi
As noun : अंधेरा स्थान Ex: he is a lawyer with a sports background
अकूफ Ex: She became habituated to the background music अड़ाव Ex: his artistic background अनुभव Ex: children of the same familial background उ: वे अनुभव की एक थाती हैं। अनुभौ Ex: we would have understood the play better if there had been some initial exposition of the background अपेक्षीत Ex: The background of the portrait was steely blue. अर्वाक Ex: The background of the rectangular flag is red अवगर Ex: While most episodes continued to use background music अवश्यक Ex: While Harold would eventually be relegated to the role of a background player अवस्यक Ex: There were also a few artists with a literary background आधार Ex: In 1952, the varnish layer over the background in the painting was evened out. उ: यही लिपि आधुनिक गुजराती लिपि का आधार बनी। आवश्यक Ex: "giving her background on TV". उ: फ़िर भी वे आवश्यक रूप से सम्बंधित हैं। आवस्सिक० Ex: In reaction to both the style of music and the background of the band इदराक Ex: Chişinău was in the background उपलंभ Ex: To increase the contrast between viruses and the background उपोद्ग्रह Ex: Negative staining overcomes this problem by staining the background only. कलंदिका Ex: Despite Roosevelt's Wilsonian background कुअवसर Ex: Browning, Wordsworth, and others against a background of Tchaikovsky's music. गिनान Ex: Relative to the background stars गोआन Ex: Sterne came to the novel from a satirical background ग्याँन Ex: Buddhists and Taoists share a common background of Confucian theory चित्र के पीछे की भूमि Ex: For more than a decade this work was in the background to his main occupation चित्रभूमि Ex: "Live at the Barbeque" is played in the background of "Genesis". चेत Ex: The background is only given in the game's manual जाँन Ex: In terms of community background ज्ञान Ex: 53.1% of the Northern Irish population came from a Protestant background उ: अपने ज्ञान की नदिया ही, आखिर प्यास बुझाये। टिकोना, टिकौना Ex: 43.8% came from a Catholic background तजरवाकारी Ex: The motion of the Sun against the background stars was used to create calendars थाम्ह Ex: Historian A. L. Basham explains the background of the trimurti as follows दर्याफ्त Ex: Almost nothing is known of Thrasybulus's background or early life. दानिस्त Ex: This brief animation sets the scene and adds background to the gameplay दृश Ex: He lacked the technical background to program it himself धुराधुर Ex: This music is played at social functions as a sort of background music. पखुवा Ex: Despite his military background पच्छैं Ex: The background of this revolt lay in the Napoleonic Wars पछिल Ex: However, not every background was taken from live-action sources. पछेव Ex: After Turek completed a background drawing in ink on an animation cel पछै Ex: This can also be seen in the background to a static, random-dot autostereogram. पछ्छ Ex: Once the brain locks onto the background depth plane परिचोपु Ex: The background is white, also a symbol of peace. परिप्रेक्ष्य Ex: This was the background to the Charter Act of 1813 which उ: वेकिंग रोज़ में कहानी का आधुनिक परिप्रेक्ष्य चुना गया है। परिस्थिति Ex: Against this background it is less surprising that उ: इस परिस्थिति में बौद्ध धर्म का यह प्रधान ग्रंथ भी एक रूप नहीं रह सका। पाछे ‡ Ex: Despite his Gaelic background पाछें ‡ Ex: The background of the final scene पार्श्व Ex: , Treat background material, the exhaust, treat omitting nothing उ: फिल्म में पार्श्व संगीत अनिल मोहिले ने दिया है। पार्श्वदेश Ex: A figure that stands in brown on a light background, with light on a brown background पार्स्व Ex: a house built in a background पिछछी Ex: A voice which leaves the chest background पिछवाडा Ex: Ancient Greek vase Sort the Greeks put the wine, oil, perfume, and was usually decorated with designs on background uni पिछवाड़ा Ex: background पीछे Ex: background उ: ग्वालियर शहर के नाम के पीछे एक इतिहास छिपा है। पृष्ठतः Ex: background पृष्ठदृश्य Ex: background Discharge पृष्ठभूमि Ex: background material उ: पृष्ठभूमि दस्तावेज या सूचना, यदि कोई हो। पृष्ठभूमिक Ex: Building on Dicky background प्रतिष्ठिका Ex: Conclusions background to प्रतिसंवेदन Ex: Counting on someone, make background on him as a man of whom it is provided प्रविचेतन Ex: Cut out the figures, flowers, to apply on a different background फैलसुफी Ex: Destroy a background thing fills बाक्सी Ex: Destroying a city in background fills बुध्न Ex: Examine background an account, a case बूझ, बूझि Ex: Garnish with a background बैकग्राउन्ड Ex: Having a science background to मेँ Ex: He took what he was told at face value, he believed too readily what he was told; he has too much background on mere appearances रात्र Ex: In places where the background is not solid, we must fly before building वयुन Ex: In some fabrics, the edge is of a different fabric and in a different color as the background वर्ग Ex: In terms of painting, it signifies Apply a light layer of color on the one that makes the background of a picture उ: इसका क्षेत्रफल १,३२,१७४ वर्ग मील है। वातावरण Ex: In terms of painting, The distant a table, What seems most remote from view in the background a picture उ: कीटों पर वातावरण का लगातार प्रभाव पड़ता है। वाय्यास्पद Ex: In terms of the Navy, The hunting vessel at anchor, he leads them and makes them plow the background विदथ Ex: It also means Who background विदर्शना Ex: It dealt with the background material, he has treated superficially विपस् Ex: It is also commonly said seafood places where there is little water, where the probe promptly meet with the background विवेकता Ex: It is said to the contrary, the background takes the form, the form prevails over substance वुकूफ Ex: It means specially bigarrer various colors a plain background व्युप्तत्ति Ex: It refers specifically, in terms of procedure, the first request, the desktop background a case, contesting शालिकी Ex: Marine background dependents Building flat श्रेणीबद्ध Ex: Melt particularly metals means Making, molded objects with certain metals which background for this purpose संस्तंभ Ex: No background सन्निवेश Ex: of Case Grammar of Latin declensions that usually marks a background report from time, place, etc समोध Ex: Part history, historical novel, Theatre, novel whose subject is drawn from history, whose background is history सापेक्ष्य Ex: Put a background in a barrel सुपालि Ex: Report Parts, Small pieces of various colors, either metal or wood or stone, which are assembled and which is arranged on a background to represent certain figures स्क्वायर Ex: Running the country, such as Browse any country, in order to know the background to उ: यह सेंट जेम्स स्क्वायर में कटॅलपा वृक्ष के विपरीत खड़ी है। स्थानाश्रय Ex: silk cloth which originally came from China and is generally large drawings of a different color from the background हालात Ex: Sprinkle with small round spots similar to flies and another color as the background उ: अब हालात और खराब हो जाते हैं। हृदयलेख Ex: That is what is the background of the trial हृल्लेख Ex: The background of this novel, this drama is historical
Other : भूमिका Ex: He may have spoken with too much insurance, but in the background he is right उ: फिल्म में पेटनीस कूपर ने मुख्य भूमिका निभाई थी।
Background ki paribhasha : drashyon vastuon ya vyaktiyon ka aisa chitran jisamen pratyek ka antar spasht ho jaay baad ki ghatanaaon ya paristhitiyon ka vishleshan karane men sahaayak poorv ki ghatanaaean, anubhava, gyaan ya shiksha vastuon aur vishayon ki vah bhaavana jo man ya aatma ko ho yogashaastr men ek chakr ka naam jidhar muanh ho usaki viruddh disha men vah gyaan jo saakshaat karane se praapt ho ek hi prakaar ki anek vastuon ka samooh idhar udhar padnevaala sthaan prathvi ke chaaron or rahanevaali vaayu
ExamplesBackground synonyms
training practice upbringing environment culture qualification education tradition backdrop history atmosphere acquirement capacity framework seasoning attainment actions preparation cultivation aura credentials breeding deeds rearing grounding accomplishments Background antonyms
ignorance foreground Usage of Background in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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