Bad blood meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bad blood
As noun : आपसी दुश्मनी Ex:  There is bad blood between Fred and Jim .
कटुता Ex:  There is no bad blood between us . कड़वाई Ex:  , The bad blood कद्द Ex:  , the bad blood is said of a quarrel, a cleaning blurs क्रोधावस्था Ex:  , This is to bad blood is called What happens untoward गँस तामिस्त्र तिहाउ दुर्भाव दौहृदय द्वषण द्वेष उ:   राजा से द्वेष करने का अर्थ है कि स्वयं को विनाश की ओर ले जाना। द्वेस निर्द्रोह प्रतिभटता बिद्वेस मछर ‡ मन मुटाव मानमरोर विद्विषाण वैर वैरक वैरिण शंबल समुच्छय सापत्नक स्पर्द्धन, स्पर्धन स्पर्द्धा, स्पर्धा
Bad blood ki paribhasha : hal men laga hua chilam ke aakaar ka chonga jisamen bhara hua bij hal chalane men baraabar kooand men padta jaata hai chitt ka vah tivr udveg jo kisi anuchit aur haanikaarak kaary ko hote hue dekhakar utpann hota hai aur jisamen us haanikaarak kaary karanevaale se badala lene ki ichchha hoti hai chitt ko apriy lagane ki vratti
Bad blood synonyms
antagonism acrimony hostility resentment enmity distrust ill will animus animosity rancor hatred nastiness anger antipathy dislike hard feelings malevolence malice odium venom disaccord bad chemistry bad feeling bad vibes bad will ill-disposedness mutual hostility oppugnancy oppugnation personality conflict unfriendliness
Bad blood antonyms
friendliness friendship happiness liking good will sympathy kindness sweetness love loving
Usage of Bad blood in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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