Bad luck meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bad luck
As noun : अनिष्टशंका Ex:  if I didnt have bad luck I wouldnt have any luck at all
अरिष्ट Ex:  I hope that no bad luck comes my way . असंपत्ति Ex:  I had a run of bad luck at the casino . आलक्षण्य Ex:  Then, his legendary bad luck struck once again उपताप Ex:  Disregarding or angering the regional god was understood to be bad luck कमबख्ती Ex:  Owls are associated with bad luck कालकर्णिका, कालकर्णी Ex:  By extension, it means object to which, even among civilized peoples, some people attribute an influence capable of attracting fortune or ward off bad luck कृफेर Ex:  Deliver the bad luck ग्राहिणी Ex:  I am in bad luck दुर्दैव Ex:  It means figuratively experience a series of contradictions that is attributed to his bad luck दुर्भाग्य Ex:  It's bad luck that we have not met us उ:   परन्तु दुर्भाग्य वंश वह युद्ध हार गया। दैवदोष Ex:  The number 13 is said to bring bad luck बदकिस्मती Ex:  What bad luck which is waxed बदनसीबी Ex:  Why do I undertook this journey of misfortune? Playing misfortune Having a bad luck at भाग्यविपर्यय, भाग्यविप्लव Ex:  , Everyone is architect of his own fortune, each is responsible for its good or bad luck मंदभाग्य Ex:  , Sports tumbling, falling a prosperous situation in ruin, a result of a fault or bad luck विधिविपर्यय Ex:  Hoodoo, bring bad luck to someone विषमलक्ष्मी शामल
Bad luck synonyms
misfortune hardship setback tragedy adversity blow mischance raw deal reverse hard time bad break hard cheese hard luck ill luck rotten luck tough break tough luck devil's own luck
Bad luck antonyms
advantage favor boon success blessing
Usage of Bad luck in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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