Badge meaning in hindi
As noun : चपरास Ex:  Fred stitched on the badge .
चिन्ह Ex:  The badge is depicted suspended from the collar. उ: इसका कोई चिन्ह नहीं मिला। दलालत Ex:  Their identifying badge was a purple triangle. बिल्ला Ex:  When collars are worn , the badge is suspended from the collar. उ: २००९में उनके दो फिल्में बिल्ला और एक निरंजन थे। बिल्ल् पहन लेना Ex:  The chain consisted of the Companion badge बैज़ लगाना Ex:  Happiness badge बैज़ Ex:  He is particularly known as the badge that the officers of the Legion of Honour to wear their button लक्खन Ex:  In terms of architecture, it is said of a ornament shaped badge लक्षण Ex:  It is a bad faith badge उ: हालांकि कुछ लक्षण तीन सप्ताह तक भी रह सकते हैं। लखाइ Ex:  Playing someone a ride hanging offense Him do something evil badge लच्छिन Ex:  Roman antiquity Make a pompous and solemn entry into Rome after a victory badge सत्वलक्षण Ex:  The field of a table, a medal, a badge
Other : चिह्न Ex:  A "design error" is when a badge is manufactured the way it was designed उ: दल का चुनाव चिह्न पुस्तक है। पदक Ex:  The badge is depicted suspended from the collar. उ: सन् १९६७ से हर साल दो पदक दिये जाते हैं। बैज Ex:  A badge pipeur उ: मॉडल नामांकन बैज को ग्राहक के अनुरोध पर हटाया जा सकता है।
Badge ki paribhasha : kaaante ya lakadi ka bojh jise lakadihaare jngal se sir par uthaakar laate hain muanhad vah lakshan jisase kisi chij ki pahachaan ho pital aadi dhaatuon ki ek chhoti patti jise peti ya paratale men lagaakar sipaahi, chaukidaara, aradali aadi pahanate hain aur jisapar unake maalika, kaaryaalay aadi ke naam khude rahate hain kisi padaarth ki vah visheshata jisake dvaara vah pahachaana jaay
ExamplesBadge synonyms
insignia pin stamp symbol token identification medallion ribbon shield brand device motto mark scepter marker cordon Usage of Badge in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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