Baffle meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Baffle
As noun : अँगुरियाना Ex:  A vessel which baffle the wind decreases and increases its wake drift baffle
उँगलाना Ex:  , baffle People, People Running procedure as bailiffs, chartered, solicitors, etc चक्कर में डाल देना बाधिका हैरान करना
Baffle ki paribhasha : aisi sthiti jisase chal ya badh na sake
Baffle synonyms
mystify elude stump dumbfound bewilder faze befuddle puzzle confuse astound confound amaze daze embarrass stun nonplus disconcert floor rattle get muddle addle stick throw mix up buffalo disappoint upset frustrate obstruct prevent thwart beat ruin dash foil impede defeat circumvent check block
Baffle antonyms
enlighten explain explicate comfort soothe abet aid assist clear up help clarify encourage relieve support delight surrender permit make happy please allow let go forward lose inspirit
Usage of Baffle in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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