Bafflement meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bafflement
As noun : अवझोरा
उरझेट उरेझापु उलझन उ:   इससे उसे उलझन होती है। उलझेड़ गुँझ गुंफ मूढ़त्व लगालगी विरुझना ‡
Bafflement synonyms
perplexity confusion surprise discombobulation daze disorientation predicament stress anxiety embarrassment inconvenience complication setback strife pressure struggle frustration misery trouble crisis worry distress weight grievance puzzle strait strain millstone irritation harassment depression annoyance emergency scrape charge jam ado maze to-do exigency mess oppression imbroglio vicissitude discouragement ramification care pinch bother quandary aggravation responsibility pickle hangup blow discontent regret chagrin dissatisfaction letdown failure defeat adversity disillusion despondency disgruntlement mortification disenchantment disillusionment adverse fate lack of success nonsuccess the knocks unfulfillment puzzlement stupor fog stupefaction obfuscation muddle
Bafflement antonyms
expectation calmness contentment happiness advantage boon success aid assistance health cheerfulness encouragement delight joy tranquility satisfaction good fortune ease peace benefit blessing help comfort pleasure solution hopefulness felicity harmony achievement attainment win miracle relief euphoria contentedness triumph boost wonder
Usage of Bafflement in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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