Bait meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bait
As noun : अँगुरियाना Ex:  Wet flour is like a bait for fishes.
The Intelligence agency used her as a bait to trap the spies.
अठाना० Ex:  No one would bite on that bait . आकर्षित करना Ex:  Techniques such as setting long-line bait at night आमिष Ex:  Robinson took the bait this time and jumped to block the shot. आल्टरनेटिव Ex:  Fielding continued to bait Richardson with Joseph Andrews उँगलाना Ex:  They bait her with plans of an elopement. कदर्थन Ex:  Maize is also used as fish bait called "dough balls". कुत्ते छोड़ना Ex:  Attracting bait with चारा लगाना Ex:  biting the bait चारा Ex:  Do not fall for this bait उ:   वे चारा ढूंढने के लिए जमीन से शिखरों तक जाते हैं। छेड़ेना Ex:  Fretin, fish menu that usually used as bait to fishermen जियारा Ex:  In terms of fishing, it means take the bait परेशान करना Ex:  It affriande fish, birds with bait पाशवपालन Ex:  It is a bait and switch पिड़काना । Ex:  Obtaining bait प्रबाधन Ex:  Put the bait in a trap प्रलोभन Ex:  Put the bait to the line, the bait उ:   बड़े से बड़े प्रलोभन उनके जीवन मूल्यों और सिद्धांतों को डिगा न सके। फंदा लगाना Ex:  Remordre the bait ललचाना Ex:  s Fish is took the bait, took the bait, has taken the bait, swallowed the bait संतापना् Ex:  Take the bait fish संवर्गण Ex:  Take the bait fish with संवाह Ex:  The fish has swallowed the bait, has the bait सताना Ex:  This welcome these kind words are just bait to persuade him to do what you want him
As verb : चारा रखना Ex:  Attracting by some bait
Other : काँटी Ex:  He had let himself be fooled by a bait and had been caught . परेशान करना. Ex:  Interest is a great bait for many Men लासा Ex:  Take a fish to the line, the bait
Bait ki paribhasha : koi padaartha, visheshataः dhan aadi praapt karane ki itani adhik aur aisi kaamana jo kuchh bhaddi aur bedhngi ho kisi ke man men laalach utpann karana doosare ke padaarth ko lene ki kaamana vah nichi bhoomi jisamen paani bahut din na tike kisi ke pichhe padna pashuon ke khaane ki ghaasa, patti, dnthal aadi kisi ko kisi or pravratt karane ke liye use laabh ki aasha dene ka kaam
Bait synonyms
enticement temptation come-on attraction drag trap bribe snare allurement inducement shill seducement bedevil draw fascinate beguile lead on harass irk torment tease annoy hound nag bother heckle irritate gall persecute anger provoke badger
Bait antonyms
repulsion discouragement turn off repel repulse delight aid soothe assuage calm please make happy help encourage
Usage of Bait in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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