Bake meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bake
As noun : उपचूलन Ex:  It is not known when yeast was first used to bake bread.
गर्म करना Ex:  Arts Action to cook, to bake porcelain, pottery, tiles, bricks, lime and the like
As verb : उच्छोषण Ex:  I wanted to bake a cake, but I was short of eggs . उपशोष Ex:  Other additions are not necessary to bake bread but often used. काढना Ex:  The family would bake on a fixed schedule, perhaps once a week. तैयार करना Ex:  Grand oven to bake lime निष्टपन Ex:  Old machine attached to a long stick, with which the furnace is cleaned, when you want to bake bread पकाना Ex:  Put the meat into a paste, Put it in the dough prepared for the bake भूरा करना षोषण संशोष सख्त करना सख्त बनाना सुखा देना सुखाना सेँकना सेकना सोखावना
Other : भर्जन Ex:  Veal Chop in foil, Breaded Veal Chop, which is a shell sheet of paper to bake भुनना
Bake ki paribhasha : rupae aadi ke badale me athanni, chavanni, paise aadi ka milana kisi goli ya nam chij ko dhoop ya hava men athava aaanch par is prakaar rakhana ya aisi hi aur koi kriya karana jisase usaki aarda्rata ya nami door ho ya paani sookh jaay aaanch ke paas ya aag par rakhakar bhoonana
Bake synonyms
heat warm simmer melt stew scorch
Bake antonyms
cool freeze
Usage of Bake in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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