Balance meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Balance
As noun : अतिशेष Ex:  Birds use their feathers for balance while in flight.
अनुरुपता Ex:  Our accountant has not yet found the balance of our companys annual account. इदंता Ex:  The balance will be adjusted later on. इल्तिबास Ex:  Students should be taught to balance their time between games and studies. उनहारि Ex:  deviation in journalism must be balance उबरी Ex:  I will pay down the balance a little next month . उर्वीधर Ex:  As he stooped over, he lost his balance and fell . एकरंगी Ex:  Crucial to the survival of a glacier is its mass balance एकरूपता Ex:  A glacier with sustained positive balance is also out of equilibrium उ:   इससे सामाजिक जीवन में एकरूपता पनपती है। एतदाल Ex:  In the context of the prevailing balance of power Ex:  It is in fact a balance among phonemics घिचपिचाना Ex:  The Regents are chosen from opposing parties so there is a balance of power. तमसील Ex:  The Cerebellum controls balance and movement. तराज़ू Ex:  The regional balance of power now favored Somalia. तुलाराशि Ex:  Also, the balance of the weapon changed with every shot fired. तोल करना Ex:  Mass may also be measured with a balance तौलना Ex:  Approximate balance is facilitated by large volumes of water. उ:   इस दोष को दूर करने के लिये वायुरहित वातावरण में तौलना आवश्यक है। धारा करना Ex:  They use their wings for balance नियंट्रित करना Ex:  A balance of power existed between the Chalukyas and the Cholas निरूवारना Ex:  Censuses are extremely critical to the balance of power in New Caledonia निश्चयात्मक शक्ति Ex:  A certain balance was found at the end of the 18th century पटंभर ‡ Ex:  It also counsels balance and responsibility, nothing to excess. पतिपक्ष Ex:  For three days the outcome of the battle hung in the balance पूर्ती करना Ex:  All climate models balance प्रतिभार Ex:  John's campaigns fundamentally changed the balance of power in the east फनपति Ex:  He established the consistent use of the chemical balance बकीया Ex:  As those figures changed, the balance shifted rapidly in the airplane's favor. बचत Ex:  In the late 1990s PFTAC conducted studies on the Niue balance of payments उ:   इससे समय की बचत होती है। बराबर करना Ex:  Jung emphasized the importance of balance and harmony. बाकी रकम Ex:  Europeans often altered the local balance of power बाकी Ex:  3,000 and acceptance of a new bill for the balance of Rs . उ:   साल मे अभी और ९९ दिन बाकी है। शेष निकालना Ex:  and to similar effect Adjust balance शेष Ex:  Balance Flat, Each of the two basins of a balance उ:   वर्ष के शेष भाग में जलवायु गरम रहता है। संतुलन Ex:  balance income and expenditure उ:   यह रासायनिक संतुलन को प्रभावित करती है। संतुलनभार Ex:  Balancer a figure Dispose members so that they form balance with the center of gravity संतुलित करना Ex:  Between these two extremes it is difficult to take a balance संतुलित रखना Ex:  Breaking balance संतोलक पहिया Ex:  Constitutional Monarchy, one where the balance of powers and exercise are regulated by fundamental laws सद्दशता Ex:  Credit balance of an account balance when the balance is on the side of the assets सन्तुलन करना Ex:  Disturbing the balance समता Ex:  Footprint fact that the balance on currency and on medals उ:   जैसे समता शेयर, पूर्वाधिकारी शेयर। समताई Ex:  Giving boost to a clock, a balance समतोल Ex:  Hold the right balance, the balance उ:   राजनीतिक चढ़ाव-उतार ने उनके हृदय को समतोल नहीं रहने दिया । समपार्श्वन करना Ex:  Holding an equal balance between two people, between two parties, not favoring one over the other समभाव Ex:  Hydrostatic balance उ:   समूह के समक्ष समभाव से वह विषय का निष्पादन करता है। समरूपता Ex:  In balance उ:   समुदाय उप-जाति की समरूपता का अभ्यास करता है। समसरि Ex:  It also designates RELATED which carries the balance of the balance and tripped समानता Ex:  It is said to be in the same direction, stay in balance उ:   लद्दाखी भोजन और तिब्बती भोजन में काफी समानता हैं। सरबर Ex:  It is used figuratively in ordinary language to refer to a proper balance सरवरि ‡ Ex:  It prints money with the balance सरिवर, सरिवरि Ex:  It said, in terms of Painting and Sculpture, the Swing of the masses, of the balance figures सामता Ex:  Keep balance सामित्त Ex:  Keep the balance between the two parties सुलझाना Ex:  Liquidate his property, Paying debts by selling some of his property, so that the balance is free of debt सेसं Ex:  Losing plumb, balance स‌ंतुलन करना Ex:  Make retained on the balance हिचकिचाना Ex:  Making the weight Add in a tray the balance that is necessary to do exactly that balance, which is in the other tray हिसाब बैठाना Ex:  Monnayage hammer, the balance हिसिखा, हिसिषा Ex:  Physical Relationship between weights or powers that balance each other सँभालना
As verb : बकाया निकालना Ex:  Healthy diets for guinea pigs require a complex balance of calcium समता रखना Ex:  Ending balance things
Other : काँटा Ex:  If the old balance of court surfaces in Grand Slam events had been preserved तराजू Ex:  Tasmanian independent senator Brian Harradine often held the balance of power. उ:   स्वर्णकार की तराजू अथवा कसौटी का नाम नाराचिका अथवा नाराची है। तुलन Ex:  This change in the balance of power led to the Diplomatic Revolution of 1756 उ:   निम्नलिखित तुलन पत्र संरचना सिर्फ एक उदाहरण है। तुला राशि Ex:  He lost balance and fell down a flight of stairs, hitting his head. तुला Ex:  "A balance between content and humor" is always pursued, according to Truglio. उ:   इस तुला की विभेदन क्षमता १ ग्राम है। बढती Ex:  The balance was that while siege warfare was extremely expensive and very slow उ:   वे सेमिनार और व्याख्यन् दोनो रूप में अपने बढती छात्रों को पढाते थे। बराबर होना Ex:  To balance the situation शेष भाग Ex:  balance
Balance ki paribhasha : rassiyon ke dvaara ek sidhi daandi ke chhoron se bandhe hue do paladon ka ek yntr jisase vastuon ki taul maaloom karate hain maana, maatraa, snkhyaa, guna, mahatva, moolya, aadi ke vichaar se samaan hal ke harase ki nok ke paas ke khadde jinamen rassi ataka kar juaathe se baaandhate hain kisi ulajhi hui vastu ki ulajhan door karana saadhaaran hone ka bhaav jamuna ke kinaare ki vah nikammi bhoomi jisamen kuchh upajata nahin jo kuchh bhaag nikal jaane par rah gaya ho is prakaar thaame rahana ki chhootane ya bhaagane na paave kisi padaarth ke gurutv ka parimaan jaanane ke liye use taraajou ya kaaante aadi par rakhana ganit men vah riti jisake anusaar kisi ek snkhya ya maan ko kisi doosari snkhya ya maan men se ghataate hain
Balance synonyms
tension harmony equity correspondence parity stasis symmetry proportion antithesis equivalence hang evenness counterbalance even-steven stability self-possession steadfastness poise equanimity self-control profit difference surplus residue dividend remainder rest excess stabilize adjust readjust offset harmonize weigh neutralize square equate cancel counteract compensate collate tie match accord nullify redeem parallel level steady oppose equalize attune come out come out even make up for pair off assess evaluate estimate consider deliberate calculate audit compute figure tally settle enumerate total sum up
Balance antonyms
imbalance inequality disproportion unevenness instability difference noncomposure agitation discomposure core base aid assist forfeit disagree approve help support lose overbalance unbalance estimate guess subtract
Usage of Balance in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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