Balcony meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Balcony
As noun : आलिन्द Ex:  From the balcony she beckoned to come to her home.
इंद्रकोश, इंद्रकोष Ex:  The pillows are airing out on the balcony . छज्जा Ex:  Rutskoy greeted the crowds from the White House balcony छझा Ex:  When victory was announced on 9 May 1936 from the balcony of Palazzo Venezia छाजा Ex:  A balcony chair पोर्च Ex:  be leaning on a balcony बरामदा Ex:  Proscenium Loges, balcony बारजा Ex:  Small architecture terrace or balcony in front building, made to enjoy the view from the outside and usually closed jealousies उ:   २८ कतारों के बारजा का ब्यय रु. ७००००/- आता है। बार्जा Ex:  Sustained balcony four Atlantean बालकनी Ex:  Take the air on a balcony उ:   इस बालकनी से मंदिर की झलक भी प्राप्त की जा सकती है। बाल्कनी मोढा मोढा वरडा वारजा
Other : अलिंद Ex:  He grows flowers in his balcony in flowerpots.
Balcony ki paribhasha : makaanon men chhaaya hua vah tng aur lnba bhaag jo makaan ki sima ke kuchh baahar nikala rahata hai aur jo khnbho, reling ya ghudiya aadi ke aadhaar par thahara hua hota hai makaan ke saamane ke daravaajon ke oopar paatakar badhaya hua baraamada chhaajan ya chhat ka vah bhaag jo divaar ke baahar nikala rahata hai
Balcony synonyms
box stoop mezzanine platform terrace gallery catwalk portico piazza balustrade veranda
Usage of Balcony in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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