Band aid meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Band aid
As noun : चेपदार पट्टी
बैंड एड
Band aid synonyms
comment remark justification interpretation key explanation sign result statement observation report return rebuttal resolution response feedback rejoinder repartee elucidation disclosure echo defense close wisecrack acknowledgment lip guff plea vindication comeback cooler retort refutation riposte back talk pay dirt quick fix topper antiphon counterclaim backcap band-aid parting shot rhetorical question thank-you note the ticket bit trivial amount pittance small amount small change small potatoes small quantity cosmetic measure disappointment drop in the ocean miniscule amount not enough speck spit in the sea too little too late trifle contrivance design device dodge gimmick maneuver means method recourse resort scheme step stratagem strategy substitute surrogate tactic trick easy way out spontaneous impromptu ad-lib extemporaneous extempore fly-by-night hit-or-miss offhand unprepared unrehearsed unstudied spur-of-the-moment extemporized autoschediastic improviso expedient alternative provisional quick-and-dirty slapdash make-do throwaway mend application reinforcement appliquã© unfolding clarification explication solving unraveling unravelment emergency rough-and-tumble practical rough-and-ready improvisation resource refuge pis aller temporary expedient limited short-lived brief interim transitory momentary supply perishable alternate ephemeral fugitive summary acting transient mortal impermanent volatile passing ad hoc changeable evanescent fleeting pro tempore unstable ad interim fugacious provisory shifting for the time being overnight unfixed adhesive bandage scotch tape [tm] band-aid [tm] wash short measure superficial effort tactical
Band aid antonyms
quiet silence request question problem trouble disadvantage inappropriateness planned designed rehearsed premediated permanent complete finished ready doubt quandary chemical element completed solved permanency solution enduring lasting long-lived unabridged lengthy
Usage of Band aid in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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