Bandit meaning in hindi
As noun : अपहारक Ex:  He tied up the bandit .
अपहारी Ex:  A bandit of the worst kind डाकू Ex:  The police put her greyhounds on the heels of this bandit उ: अन्य देशों में भी प्रसिद्ध डाकू हुए हैं। धाड़वी पारिपंथिक वंदिचौर सार्थध्न सैलग स्तयैन
Other : डकैत Ex:  He put the bandit plays दस्यु Ex:  , This man mine alms at the corner of a wood, Someone said that if the appearance of a bandit उ: सबसे बड़ा दस्यु दल उत्तर भारत में झेलम नदी के दस्युओं का था। राहजन लुटेरा
Bandit ki paribhasha : dr dikhaakar ya maar pitakar doosare ka maal le lenevaala jabaradasti logon ka maal lootanevaala
ExamplesBandit synonyms
raider mobster outlaw hooligan gangster criminal pirate robber marauder hijacker desperado plunderer crook villain racketeer brigand forager pillager gunperson highwayperson holdup person ravager Bandit antonyms
police law Usage of Bandit in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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