Bang up meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bang up
As noun : कृतशोभ
शानदार उ:   जिसमें इन्होंने एक शानदार शतक भी लगाया था। शानी
Bang up ki paribhasha : jo badi sajaavat aur taiyaari ke saath ho
Bang up synonyms
harm violate maltreat impair corrupt persecute mistreat misuse molest beat up victimize defile roughhouse mishandle pollute ill-treat ruin mar taint hose desecrate spoil wax deprave total oppress cut up mess up rough up shake up bung up injure blacken wound crush batter deface pulverize pound mark zing blemish contuse do a number on cripple weaken tarnish ravage contaminate maim infect burn hurt break undermine smash tear wreck mangle scorch scratch scathe incapacitate rot gnaw disintegrate vitiate fade crack blight stain split disfigure lacerate dismantle wrong stab bleach mutilate corrode discolor dirty rust tamper with wear away wreak havoc on fly top fine champion capital awesome excellent wonderful bang-up whiz-bang marvelous exceptional outstanding superb best first-class great premium superior superlative supreme top-drawer top-notch unmatched a number 1 a-1 best-quality highest-quality of the first water of the highest type top of the line world-class
Bang up antonyms
aid assist improve protect clean honor purify sanctify grow cherish preserve respect benefit prize revere acclaim adulate compliment praise treasure help treat well please defend care for esteem approve commend heal adorn beautify embellish ornament cure decorate fix repair create wait schedule set up cleanse combine enhance perfect strengthen allow build brighten color bless favor unimportant poor unexceptional expected ordinary regular inferior unnoteworthy bad second-rate
Usage of Bang up in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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