Banging meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Banging
As noun : उदूढ Ex:  Someone is banging away at the door .
गरुअ Ex:  Stop banging at the door . गरुअर Ex:  Shouting hit like a deaf, Shouting, banging hard गरुवा गरूपु गरेरुआ जब्बर भारी उ:   सोने से पहले ज्यादा भारी खाना न खाना। मोहकम
As verb : आघातपूर्ण Ex:  He kept banging on the door. आघाती Ex:  the continual banging of the shutters जोर की आवाज तेज शोर धमाके की आवाज धमाकेदार उ:   जो बहुत ही धमाकेदार ढंग से शुरु हुआ।
Banging synonyms
rattle clang thump sound detonate crash burst thunder echo explode peal boom resound clatter drum make noise smash bump collide slam rap whack bash pound pummel beat strike hammer
Banging antonyms
tap praise lose
Usage of Banging in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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