Barbaric meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Barbaric
As adjective : अग्राम्य Ex:  Ram is a barbaric man.
आटविक Ex:  Columbus regularly used barbaric acts of torture to govern Hispaniola. उजड़ड Ex:  barbaric Language, Language imperfect, rough and shocking the कठुर Ex:  Do not expect them mercy, no grace; These are barbaric people क्रुर Ex:  His repentance is expected to ease the hardest hearts, the most barbaric क्रूर Ex:  It was said in ancient barbaric law, a monetary allowance, the author of an offense or attack should be paid to the offended, or in case of death to his family उ:   पुस्तकों में बॉण्ड का वर्णन "दुष्ट, क्रूर और रूपवान" किया गया है। खुँखार Ex:  Living in a barbaric times जंगली Ex:  rough manners The barbaric उ:   ...आसाम की जंगली जातियों में ही मेरा जन्म होता। जरार Ex:  They say a similar effect barbaric music जांगलू Ex:  This way of speaking is barbaric जुलवाना निरधिन पाषाणहृदय बंबार बनबासी मलिनमुख वज्रहृदय शीर्वि श्वापद् साहसैकरसिक हतियारा हननशील हिंस्त्र हृदयशून्य
Other : मवाली उ:   मवाली १९८३ में बनी हिन्दी भाषा की फ़िल्म है।
Barbaric ki paribhasha : jyotish men visham pahali, tisari, paaanchavi, saatavin navin aur gyaarahavin raashiyaaan
Barbaric synonyms
uncivilized cruel inhuman barbarous brutal barbarian boorish coarse fierce graceless primitive rough tasteless uncouth vulgar wild lowbrow
Barbaric antonyms
civilized cultured kind refined sophisticated gentle nice
Usage of Barbaric in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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