Bask meaning in hindi
As verb : आनंद उठा Ex:  Marginated Tortoises bask in the sun to raise their body temperature
घमाना Ex:  also said The sun gilds the harvests, The sun yellow harvests, making them mature and to similar effect, Harvests begin to bask धूप खाना या सेंकना धूप मेँ गरम करना या सेँकना धूप में गरम करना या सेंकना धूप सेंकना
Bask ki paribhasha : kisi chij ko sukhaane ke liye ghaam men rakhaana
ExamplesBask synonyms
lounge relax laze loll sunbathe swim in toast oneself warm oneself savor revel relish indulge enjoy wallow welter rollick luxuriate delight in derive pleasure take comfort take pleasure Bask antonyms
hide cover dislike hate Usage of Bask in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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