Bastard meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bastard
As noun : उग्रजाति Ex:  That bastard flag is a true symbol of the bastard state of Australian opinion.
कठीनता Ex:  A bastard child काहल— Ex:  Bergamot bastard कुचैल Ex:  Botany Plant lipped that Hemp is also called bastard कुड‌ं Ex:  Color bastard कोकट Ex:  Compromise bastard गंदा Ex:  Cow bastard cow whose milk decreases to a second litter घटिया आदमी Ex:  Having a bar on his shield, or be bastard bastard source घटिया Ex:  It is a bastard उ:   इस नीति के कारण मजदूर हड़ताल हुई और बाइकों की किस्म घटिया हुई। घासलेटो Ex:  Race bastard, bastard line was said of Descendants of a bastard चिचटक Ex:  Recognize, legitimize a bastard च्योना Ex:  Reinette bastard जारज Ex:  Some critics have watched the drama as a genre bastard जारजन्मा Ex:  state from that bastard जारजात Ex:  substantively, the round, the English and the bastard ध्याम Ex:  The English writing is now the most visited bastard नष्टजन्मा Ex:  This man is bastard नाजायज औलाद Ex:  to the left, being bastard प्रम्लान Ex:  write bastard बैस्टर्ड मलिच्छ ‡ मैलाकुचैला वियोनि हरामज़ादा दोगला
Other : नकली Ex:  This is the bastard, bastard of such a हराम हरामी
Bastard ki paribhasha : jo nakal karake banaaya gaaya ho jo vivaahita patni se utpann na ho jo vaastavik sthiti ke viparit ho vah vyakti ya jaati jo do bhinn bhinn jaatiyon ke stri purush ke snyog se utpann ho vah sndook ya thaili aadi jisamen kisi vishesh kaary ke liye thod thod dhan sngrah karake rakha jaay kisi stri ki vah sntaan jo usake jaar ya upapati se utpann hui ho baaans ki kamachiyon ka bana ek gol aur kuchh gahara tokari ka sa paatr jisase kisaan log paani ulichate hain
Bastard synonyms
natural irregular phony fake imperfect sham mongrel inferior counterfeit adulterated impure misbegotten mixed spurious baseborn suppositious false misborn ungenuine idiot fuckup shithead dumbass asshole motherfucker son of a bitch
Bastard antonyms
real legitimate genuine true
Usage of Bastard in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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