Be done for meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Be done for
As noun : बरबाद होना
बिनशना हलाक
Be done for synonyms
depart wane retire escape go melt dissipate fade perish evaporate expire sink flee retreat fly die recede leave withdraw abandon dissolve vamoose end ebb abscond clear vacate exit disperse pass evanesce decamp pass away die out dematerialize be gone be lost be no more be swallowed up cease to exist come to naught drop out of sight end gradually evanish fade away go south leave no trace melt away take flight
Be done for antonyms
wait grow increase remain coagulate solidify improve come in enter continue stay rise begin be born fight appear strengthen face meet advance forge keep arrive
Usage of Be done for in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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