Be on meaning in hindi
As noun : स्वीकार किया होना Ex: Trotskyists are considered to be on the left.
As verb :
तैयार होना Ex: However, Seaton Delaval was to be on a much smaller scale. शर्त लगाया होना Ex: This debate was to be on the subject of . सन्नहन Ex: Its closest approach to Pluto will be on July 14 सही होना Ex: 2004 and the next will be on June 6, 2012 .
ExamplesBe on synonyms
portray enact represent feign rehearse ham personify characterize dramatize pretend stooge mug strut emote burlesque mimic mime simulate impersonate star parody go on go over ham it up tread the boards bring down the house do a turn lay an egg make debut play act play gig play part play role put it over take part say one's piece stretch belong remain spread exist prevail beset reach extend occupy be beside be buried be established be even be fixed be found be interred be level be located be placed be seated be smooth have its seat in give show offer execute produce display stage exhibit render discourse put on playact act out appear as do a number watchful cautious respectful wary observant conscious apprehensive conversant cognizant knowledgeable vigilant solicitous careful alert au courant cagey chary conscientious heedful knowing observing on the ball regardful sensible thoughtful alive to be up on in the know know all the answers know ins and outs observative on the job on to plugged in tuned in with eyes peeled on one's toes feed sip consume engage receive ingest sample savor devour participate divide enter into be a party to be in on be into get in the act have a finger in sit in sit in on tune in Be on antonyms
prevent abstain cease discontinue hesitate refrain fail stop direct give up halt idle compress straighten stand be honest be upright conceal withhold hide deny refuse take abandon inattentive negligent heedless incautious rash unobservant indiscreet indifferent unaware ignorant unafraid uninformed absent-minded careless thoughtless uncareful unmindful quiet unworried reject shun starve collect gather offer keep maintain Usage of Be on in sentences
The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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