Beat meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Beat
As noun : अँगुरियाना Ex:  to beat by ten points.
अँदोलना Ex:  in the old days a policeman walked a beat and knew all his people by name अंदोलना Ex:  Only a beast could beat his wife. अत्यंत थका हुआ Ex:  Thugs beat him up when he walking down the street late at night. अत्यंत थका Ex:  The villagers beat the witch-doctor. अभ्यवस्कंद Ex:  I beat the traffic अवघट्ट Ex:  Hailstorms beat against the windows. आघात Ex:  He could feel the beat of her heart. उ:   वह जिसने एडम को जार्डन में स्वतंत्र किया, अपने चेहरे पर आघात सहता है। इलाका Ex:  Young boys are dancing with the beat of the kettledrum. उ:   कम्ल्लाह मंडी जिले का एक पहाडी इलाका है। उँगलाना Ex:  She shed crocodile tears,when she beat her brother. उतपानना Ex:  Agassi beat Becker in a tennis match. उत्पन्न करना Ex:  She beat the merchant down $100 उद्घात Ex:  The rain beat down on us for an hour . उद्धम Ex:  She beat on him until he let her go . उद्धूनन Ex:  They beat the enemy off . उपताप Ex:  The other team beat us out readily . उपानना Ex:  I beat out Walter in the foot race . उरसनापु Ex:  She threatened to beat my brains out . ऊर्ब Ex:  Those thugs nearly beat his brains out . कंपाना Ex:  Don't beat your brains out . कष्टि Ex:  Ken beat John to the door . कांस्यताल Ex:  The robber beat me up and took my money . खट्टना Ex:  Whenever I'm near you, my heart skips a beat . खडा़का Ex:  When the racehorse fell, my heart missed a beat . गश्त Ex:  Fast music with a good beat turns me on . उ:   सड़कों पर दिन रात गश्त लगाते रहते हैं। गसत Ex:  She beat fifth ranked Nadia Petrova 6-7 घबरा देना Ex:  Louis Cardinals beat the Yankees in seven games. छान डालना Ex:  It can start on any beat of the bar. जीतना, पराजित करना Ex:  Riggs beat her handily 6-2 जीतना Ex:  , the first beat of the bar. उ:   इस मैच में इंग्लैंड का जीतना जरूरी था। झंपावना Ex:  Argentina beat France in the Rugby World Cup 2007 झनकाना Ex:  Pescara beat Oemichen's record ठका Ex:  They beat down the Archbishop, killing him with several blows. ठकोरा Ex:  He then beat Gerulaitis in straight sets ठबक Ex:  Navratilova beat Graf easily 7-6 ठरूकापु Ex:  In 1993, Seles beat Graf in three sets in the final of the Australian Open. ठोँ Ex:  Liechtenstein beat Latvia 1-0 ताल Ex:  Federer once again beat Nadal in the final उ:   शिव के ताल और पारवती के लय से ताल शब्द बना है । तेज़ी से फेंटना Ex:  In the U.S. Open final, Federer beat third seed Novak Đoković. त्रिपुट Ex:  Lady Scales, repeating the story, seized the girl and beat her furiously. थारपु Ex:  This means that a particular note value is specified as the beat दराकन Ex:  Take him out and we can beat them… He’s the guy who whipped us psychologically. धडकन Ex:  Russell’s team again beat Chamberlain’s Philadelphia 76ers 4 games to 1 धड़ना Ex:  Curiously, the song’s intro has an extra half a beat leading into the vocal. धधिन Ex:  Ali beat Williams in three rounds. धमस Ex:  She beat 2007 Wimbledon runner-up Marion Bartoli in the fourth round धमाधम Ex:  Action to beat धूनि Ex:  Agriculture machine used to beat the grain harvest धूमली Ex:  As long as the heart will beat me, Until I live धौलधक्का Ex:  Bat butter, Stick which ended with a small round wooden tray and which is used to beat butter ध्रुवना Ex:  Beat iron on the anvil; beat the heat, cold ध्वजद्रुम Ex:  By extension, Threshing butter, Action beat cream converting it into butter धड़कन Ex:  Do you want to be paid in gold or silver? This year we beat the Mint so many millions in silver and as gold निपाना Ex:  Drum Sticks, The two little short sticks with which to beat the box परास्त कर देना Ex:  He beat currency by selling his books पीटना, मारना Ex:  He beat money from all sides फेरक Ex:  I would see you, but you beat me to फेरा Ex:  In terms Fencing Beat iron, Make a beat and, by extension, often Draw weapons फेरे की जगह, गशत Ex:  In this conversation, we beat good of the country in a short time बजाना Ex:  It also says in a Certain way to play on the guitar, which is to beat the strings with the fingers instead of pinching बरसना Ex:  It fell upon him to beat him, and he fell to भँवरो Ex:  It is a metal that extends a lot when you beat the मारना Ex:  It is finally used to describe the game where children beat each other's hands rhythmically उ:   बाला को पता चलता है की उसके पिता ही उसे मारना चाहते हैं। मिलावनो Ex:  It is moderately strong pool: I give him six points, I beat मोसना Ex:  It is said to similar effect Beat the recall, the gathering, walking, load, retirement, beat the reveille, pounding, beat a ban, etc राउंड Ex:  It's a beat that respects nothing रुनकाना Ex:  Leave the casaquin to someone, beat the रौँद Ex:  Machine beat विधवन Ex:  STICK said he was formerly used sticks to beat the box विलोलन Ex:  They made yards beat the विस्पंदन Ex:  They say even this force to beat the iron he managed to this degree of व्यध Ex:  They say this even beat the water, take this unnecessary trouble शतागुल Ex:  This Height sees such work in reverse, From this height you can see the work and you can beat him from behind समुत्पादन Ex:  We beat them, we must see! These people receive us, we must see! They say, to similar effect, therefore we should see सलिलभर Ex:  You do not fight well so far, you beat too fast, too slowly सुग्ल Ex:  , beat a man to the ground, Overwhelm someone who has the strength to defend स्फालन Ex:  , Do not beat that हति Ex:  , Do not beat that with a wing हस्तचालन Ex:  , He beat the bushes and another took the birds, He gave all the pain and another had the benefit हांका Ex:  , in giving someone the wrong means, and sometimes beat the हाञ Ex:  , Rouer someone blows, blows, violently beat the हिप्पी Ex:  , The back itches him, said a person who does everything that it takes to we would come to beat उ:   हिप्पी आन्दोलन के विरासत की पैठ पश्चिमी समाज में लगातार जारी है। हिलाना Ex:  , The back itches him, said he was a person who does whatever it takes for us to come to the beat हैरान करना Ex:  , to beat the wall and make a breach, etc
As verb : खटखटाना Ex:  Ted lunged for the door, but Bill beat him to it . उ:   इसके लिए इन्हें उच्च न्यायालय का दरवाजा खटखटाना पड़ा। टकराना Ex:  Williams beat Henin in the final of the Amelia Island ठंठोकना Ex:  He scored two goals in the final as Brazil beat Sweden 5-2. His first goal ठरकना Ex:  She had struggled to beat Monica Seles in their semifinal 6-3 ठोँकना Ex:  They went on to beat Iceland 3-0 तड़पाना Ex:  The last episode of M*A*S*H in 1983 finally beat the ratings पीटना Ex:  He beat the mail फेंटना Ex:  Hunting Action of several people who beat the woods and thickets had to get out the game वार करना Ex:  rebattre a mattress, the remake and beat the it contains wool हराना Ex:  , Do only beat the air, unnecessarily Give punishment for something धड़कना
Other : आवाज Ex:  He heard the beat of a drum. उ:   इनकी आवाज बहुत ही मधुर है। छांटना Ex:  Covey lost in a confrontation with Douglass and never tried to beat him again. ढोल बजाना Ex:  There, Federer beat Nadal in four sets to win the championship. तोड़ना Ex:  It was Elvis who got me hooked on beat music. धडकना Ex:  Boston then beat the Los Angeles Lakers 4–2 in the NBA Finals पराजित करना Ex:  Egg Beater Kitchen Utensil used to beat whites 'egg whites फड़फड़ाना Ex:  He was forced to beat the recall of its friends to have the world at his conference विस्पंद Ex:  They say even the waves beat the flanks of the ship स्पन्दन Ex:  , Beat the cream, beat eggs, etc
Beat ki paribhasha : yuddh men pratidbndbi ko hataana aaghaat ya jhatake se kisi padaarth ke do ya adhik khnd karana kisi sthaan ya vastu ke chaaron or gaman parichit aur anurakt karana aakaash se jal ki booandon ka nirntar girana kisi baaje aadi par aaghaat pahuanchaakar athava hava ka jor pahuanchaakar usase shabd utpann karana dnd dene ke liye kisi ko kisi vastu se pitana ya aaghaat pahuanchaana ek vastu ko doosari vastu par jor se maarana kisi vastu par chot pahuan- chaana yuddh ya ladai men vipakshi ke viruddh saphalata praapt karana
Beat synonyms
exhausted wearied fatigued weary kaput worn out dog tired pulse rhythm pound quiver oscillation measure meter quake shake ripple cadency vibration palpitation thump cadence swell rhyme pressure tick flutter undulation flow surge swing pulsation hit punch slap strike lash march circuit route patrol walk course way path precinct rounds knock pummel trounce break crush rap thrash batter whip ram bruise spank cane castigate hammer belt pelt cudgel maltreat swat lambaste flagellate lick club punish collide buffet smack thresh wallop whale slug bash box flail thwack drub bang mash clout flog maul overtake overwhelm top triumph outrun overcome transcend exceed subdue excel better outshine conquer outstrip outdo best vanquish outplay outrival be victorious shoot ahead of form work shape fashion model malleate pitch undulate flicker heave jounce tremble alternate quaver vibrate shiver flap jerk writhe agitate fluctuate bounce oscillate palpitate thrill pulsate bob twitch stir
Beat antonyms
energetic lively rested fresh refreshed stillness compliment praise surrender protect aid assist guard cede relinquish retreat fail lose tap help fall behind give up be inferior destroy neglect calm soothe remain steady stay be still
Usage of Beat in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun, verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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