Beauty meaning in hindi
As noun : अच्छा व्यक्ति Ex: Black beauty was a famous steed.
अच्छी चीज़ Ex: it was performed with justness and beauty आभिरूपक, आभिरूप्य Ex: Madhubalas beauty captured many hearts. ककुप् ककुभ Ex: "the sculpturesque beauty of his body" कचा Ex: Belles from various countries participated in the beauty event. कमा Ex: Customers go for their hair or beauty treatment to salons. उ: अक्सर, वे पैसे कमा सकते हैं एकमात्र तरीका भीख मांगना है। खुबसुरती Ex: his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty खूबसूरती Ex: She went to beauty parlour for pedicure. उ: खूबसूरती की मिसाल स्वर्ण द्वार नेपाल की शान है। छबतखती Ex: She appeared in several films that highlighted her beauty तर्हदारी Ex: Lauded for her beauty दिलावेजी Ex: Trees are chosen for their beauty and to provide shade. दृकप्रिया Ex: Judgments of beauty are sensory, emotional, and intellectual all at once. भलामानुष Ex: Beside the home's beauty भ्राजथु Ex: The natural beauty of Sri Lanka's tropical forests मधुमयता Ex: And for all the beauty of their art मधुरता Ex: Many travelers in ancient days were impressed by the beauty of San‘a’. उ: अर्थात, पांचाली में मधुरता और सुकुमारता होती है। मधुरिमा Ex: And again, in mediæval art, truth is first, beauty second उ: लेकिन बाद में उनके स्थान पर मधुरिमा तुली को ले लिया गया। माधरई Ex: For Dijsktra, truth was primary, and beauty the automatic result. माधुरिया Ex: That beach's natural beauty माधुरी Ex: Both were equipped with in-house beauty salons. उ: गीत "एक दो तीन" से माधुरी बहुत लोकप्रिय हुई। माधुर्य Ex: Shark teeth are prized by collectors for their beauty उ: महाकाव्य अपने माधुर्य एवं प्रसाद गुण के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। मुग्धता Ex: The state is noted for its great natural beauty रमणियता Ex: Their beauty and content protect the community and the individual artists रम्र Ex: There is beauty in a simple and elegant proof रानाई Ex: A beauty that is on the back रुचिता Ex: A beauty unadorned रूपसंपद्, रूपसंपत्ति Ex: A famous beauty लगिमा Ex: A severe beauty ललामा Ex: A woman remarkable for her beauty लवणिमा Ex: A young beauty लवनाई० Ex: Admire the beauty of a woman वजाहत Ex: beauty वनस् Ex: Botanical cane variety, native of India, many species are grown because of the beauty of their leaves and their flowers use in war वैचिञ्य Ex: Even said that beauty fades सुंदर वस्तु Ex: Her beauty goes सुंदर स्ट्री Ex: Honour beauty सुंदरई Ex: In terms of Play, The beauty of words Party must decide the advantage between two players who had previously equal opportunities सुंदरता Ex: It has no sense of beauty उ: इसकी सुंदरता देखते ही बनती है। सुन्दरता Ex: It is a beauty that delights all who see it, that delights all hearts उ: इस गाँव मे मस्जिदो की सुन्दरता देखते ही बनती है। सुन्दरताआ Ex: It is a person of gentle, engaging beauty of a सुष्ठुता Ex: It is said that much of what is little in his case and that appeals by the kindness rather than by the beauty सौंदर्य, सौंदर्य्य Ex: It remains to this woman no appearance beauty सौंदर्य Ex: It says of beauty that results from all parts of an architecture book उ: यहाँ नारी के कटावों का सौंदर्य स्पष्ट दिखता है।
Other : आभा Ex: A person can immagine the beauty after seeing a side-view of a house. उ: इसकी पत्तियाँ बैंगनी आभा वाली हल्के रोएँ से ढकी होती हैं। इंदिरा Ex: There is a beauty parlour in our colony. उ: इंदिरा गाँधी तारामंडल लखनऊ स्थित प्लैनेटेरियम है। चारुता Ex: One cannot equate beauty with brains. छटा Ex: She is a real beauty . उ: डहेलिया के पेड़ों की भी अलग ही छटा है। छवि Ex: As she matured, people commented on her beauty उ: रावण को सीलोन में स्थापित देवी की एक छवि मिली। जमाल Ex: Keaton admired Sawyer's beauty उ: लेकिन जमाल विकल्पों में से सही उत्तर ढूंढने में कामयाब हो जाता है। जलवा Ex: However, the more Elizabeth's beauty faded, the more her courtiers praised it. नूर Ex: Evaluations of beauty may well be linked to desirability उ: उनका पहला विकेट नूर अली के रूप में गिरता है। फायदा Ex: Aristotle found that the universal elements of beauty were order उ: इससे भी लोगों को बहुत फायदा होगा। रंग Ex: The beauty of African art is simply in meaning. उ: इनका रंग खाकी, भूरा, या सफेद होता है। रमणीयता Ex: Pleasure is the final cause of beauty and thus is not a means to another end रूप Ex: A beauty without Primer उ: यह वह्य शाब्दिक है, अर्थ के रूप में नहीं। रूपसी Ex: A rare beauty उ: वह अत्यन्त रूपसी थी। लवण Ex: A woman who cares for her beauty, that neglects its beauty उ: इसके लवण बड़ी सरलता से जटिल आयन बनाते हैं। लावण्य Ex: Are you not struck by this coincidence? A beauty that hits लुनाई Ex: beauty शोभा Ex: Greek and Roman Beauty Beauty say Women whose beauty recalls the character of heads that we see in the statues and medals in ancient Greece and Rome उ: उनके बचपन का नाम शोभा राजाध्यक्ष है। सुषमा Ex: It is an enchanting beauty, the greatest beauty उ: ;नख सिख सब सुषमा रतनागर,भरत रसिक वर हृदय सरोरी। सुहावनापन Ex: It means, by extension who has a beauty character सौन्दर्य Ex: Its beauty attracts her numerous honors उ: यहां का सौन्दर्य अद्वितीय है। हुस्न Ex: Its beauty became fatal हूर Ex: Its beauty has faded उ: प्रत्येक हूर किशोर वय की कन्या होती है।
Beauty ki paribhasha : paanchaali riti ke antargat kaavy ka ek gun buri se achchhi dasha men laane ka gun
ExamplesUsage of Beauty in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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