Bedridden meaning in hindi
As adjective : बुढापे या बीमारी के कारण बिस्तर पर पडा हुआ Ex:  Crowley remained bedridden for the last few days of his life
बुढ़ापे या बीमारी के कारण बिस्तर पर पड़ा हुआ Ex:  Take the bed, if bedridden due to illness शय्या ग्रस्त Ex:  This injury was bedridden for three months शय्याग्रस्त उ: सिर इतना बढ़ जाता है कि बच्चा अंततः शय्याग्रस्त हो सकता है।
ExamplesBedridden synonyms
disabled ill infirm ailing incapacitated invalid prostrate laid up flat on one's back Bedridden antonyms
healthy sound strong Usage of Bedridden in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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