Behalf meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Behalf
As noun : अत्थ Ex:  He addressed the UN council on behalf of Prime Minister.
ओर से Ex:  I'm calling in her behalf . कारणक Ex:  Nehru and Abul Kalam Azad on behalf of the Congress कुत्ते Ex:  Paul M. Smith delivered the oral argument on behalf of Lawrence on March 26 उ:   कुत्ते बिलाव बारम्बार रोते हैं। पक्ष मे़ Ex:  Accepting on behalf of the Hergé Foundation विनाशहेतु Ex:  Acquiring something in his name, on behalf of another, under another name साध्यसाधन Ex:  Acting on behalf of someone a हेतु Ex:  Administer on behalf of another उ:   नगर हेतु देखें देहरादून। हेतुक Ex:  Contractor supposed buyer; Man that involves a case in which he has no personal interest and where it is not for himself, but on behalf of another
Other : की ओर से Ex:  Among the witnesses who testified on his behalf were Debra Tate and Mia Farrow.
Behalf ki paribhasha : manushy ke hraday ka aashay jo shabd se prakat ho vah baat jise dhyaan men rakhakar koi doosari baat ki jaay
Behalf synonyms
favor side help welfare encouragement defense furtherance recommendation concern service sake assistance stead cause good advantage countenance part aid account profit benefit place representation support
Behalf antonyms
blockage harm hindrance hurt injury obstruction impediment stoppage disapproval disadvantage loss discouragement handicap
Usage of Behalf in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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