Behaviour meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Behaviour
As noun : आचरण Ex:  His irksome behaviour concerns everyone. उ:   आचरण को ही इसकी कसौटी मानते थे।
इखलाक Ex:  Her behaviour changed dramatically after her marriage. उ:   एक शिक्षित अंग्रेजी बोलने वाला इखलाक फैजल के गिरोह में प्रवेश करता है। इखलाकी Ex:  His behaviour is not forgivable. इन्तेमाल Ex:  His behaviour is worrying. औपयिक Ex:  He got a warning for his behaviour केदर Ex:  Inimical behaviour should be curtailed. क्रियापाद Ex:  His inveterated behaviour brought his downfall. चरिम Ex:  He maintained a decorum behaviour throughout the party . चर्या Ex:  His behaviour is folksy with all his staff. चालचलन Ex:  Lord Hailsham created a now widely used name for this behaviour चालढाल Ex:  This fallback behaviour can be exploited. जियनि Ex:  Other topics were the behaviour of medical doctors ढँग Ex:  It was the first time Olivier witnessed such behaviour from her. ढंग Ex:  This school tends to see war as an extension of animal behaviour उ:   अपने ढंग का निराला यह मंदिर काफी प्रसिद्ध है। दलानि Ex:  Libertarians also oppose any laws restricting personal or consensual behaviour देशव्यवहार Ex:  A wide variety of behaviour धँधला Ex:  It is unknown as to the extent of this behaviour in the wild निषेवन Ex:  While behaviour is often a target of the work पाठपद्धति Ex:  His main focus was always on the people he encountered: their behaviour पाठप्रणाली Ex:  This behaviour is also most commonly found among sharks पादविन्यास Ex:  Related studies have noted diversity in sexed bodies and gendered behaviour प्रणिघान Ex:  Little is known about mating behaviour or breeding grounds. बत्राव Ex:  To fully explain the behaviour of the different types of numbers बर्ताव Ex:  It was the first time Olivier witnessed such behaviour from her. उ:   उनका आदर करें, ध्यान रखें और उनके साथ प्रेम का बर्ताव करें। ब्युहार ‡ Ex:  Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour रवैया ‡ Ex:  Lefevre and Lydgate Troilus' killer's behaviour is very different राहरीति Ex:  They share this behaviour with rabbits. रुसख Ex:  They were regarded as very paulistanos in their behaviour and clothing. लोकयात्रा Ex:  Sometimes it is behaviour that decides the attitude . उ:   उसके बिना लोकयात्रा संभव नहीं। वजेकता Ex:  This behaviour is called helping or pro-social behaviour . ववहार वित्तक विवहार वृत्तचेष्टा वेवहार व्यवहार उ:   जिनका व्यवहार और स्वभाव अलग अलग होता है । व्योहरनी व्योहरनी व्योहार व्यौहार समाचेष्टित समुद्योग स्वाचरण
Other : आचार Ex:  Her behaviour showed a sign of signification. उ:   वह समान आचार संहिता की अवधारणा का समर्थन करती है। चलन Ex:  You should have a civil behaviour in public. उ:   हालांकि आधुनिक टूथपेस्ट का चलन उन्नीसवीं सदी से शुरू हुआ। चाल चलन Ex:  His ecccentric behaviour puts him down. चाल ढाल Ex:  Irresponsible behaviour is not admissible. चाल Ex:  This behaviour also extends into adulthood उ:   यह चाल और रोटर घूर्णी को गतिज ऊर्जा प्रदान करती है। रवैया Ex:  Addiction can in theory be derived from any rewarding behaviour उ:   यह रवैया राजकोषीय नीतियों को प्रमुखता प्रदान करता है। वर्ताब Ex:  Biological factors influence all aspects of our behaviour . सलूक सुलूक
Behaviour ki paribhasha : ek or koi kriya hone par usake parinaamasvaroop doosari or honevaali kriya bauddhon ke anusaar ve aacharan jo sadaachaar maane jaate hain do pakshon men honevaala vah jhagad jisaka phaisala adaalat se ho
Usage of Behaviour in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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