Behind the scenes meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Behind the scenes
As noun : गुप्त रूप से Ex:  I worked behind the scenes in the play .
परदे के पीछे Ex:  After exercising influence behind the scenes for some time पर्दे के पीछे का Ex:  During throughout the room he remained behind the scenes
As adjective : रहस्य में, नेपथ्य में Ex:  It is said elliptically, in the same direction, Look behind the scenes
Behind the scenes synonyms
in the dark sub rosa backstage behind the curtain in a corner in secret out of public view in the background under-the-table independent confidential separate individual exclusive special inside privy closet particular clandestine discreet hush-hush hushed off the record own reserved unofficial nonpublic not open close to one's chest under one's hat
Behind the scenes antonyms
known sociable unconcealed common public ordinary open revealed
Usage of Behind the scenes in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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