Believer meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Believer
As noun : अकल्कल Ex:  an unapologetic believer
अजिह्म Ex:  Kabir was a firm believer of respectability. आस्तिक Ex:  He was a firm believer in the equality of all people उ:   इसीलिए कहा जा सकता है कि तिरुवल्लुवर आस्तिक थे। ईमानदार Ex:  Religiously, Pythagoras was a believer of metempsychosis. उ:   बल्कि इसका मतलब है अपने सच्चे और ईमानदार हिस्से को साझा करना। निष्प्रपंच पुरस्कर्ता विश्वास करने वाला शुद्धधी श्लक्ष्ण सत्यपर,सत्यपरायण समर्थक उ:   एनी बेसेन्ट के समर्थक भी अब कसमसाने लगे। सशूक सिद्दीक स्वव्याज
Believer ki paribhasha : vah jisaka vishvaas kiya jaay jo lenaden ya vyavahaar men sachcha ho veda, ishvar aur paralok ko maananevaala purush
Believer synonyms
devotee adherent disciple follower zealot supporter convert freak proselyte apostle prophet doctrinaire orthodox religionist canonist upholder dogmatist acceptor religious person
Believer antonyms
adversary agnostic atheist disbeliever non-believer
Usage of Believer in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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