Belittle meaning in hindi
As verb : क्षुद्र करना Ex: The press seemed to root for Mantle and to belittle Maris.
छोटा करना या समझना Ex: belittle means further reduction to less छोटा करना Ex: belittle still means Deprecate, estimate below the value छोटा दिखना Ex: Its requirements belittle the merit of his services छोटा समझना Ex: It's too belittle you for a man of your sort निर्ह्वास Ex: The Spanish historians enhance the smallest shares of Charles V and Francis I belittle those of महत्व घटाना Ex: This table is too high, it takes a little belittle
Other : अवज्ञा करना Ex: dont belittle your colleagues
ExamplesBelittle synonyms
criticize decry squelch discredit deride scorn downplay disparage underestimate blister derogate lower deprecate knock minimize smear undervalue squash rip discount slam pan roast downgrade diminish scorch depreciate underrate bad-mouth put down run down sour grapes take down tear down write off cut down to size cut to the quick dispraise dump on pooh pooh poor mouth scoff at shoot down shoot full of holes sneer at take a swipe at take down a peg Belittle antonyms
compliment laud praise increase enlarge overrate upgrade build up exaggerate approve commend flatter overestimate overvalue Usage of Belittle in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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