Bell meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bell
As noun : घंटा लगाना Ex:  saved by the bell
घंटिका (छत्र Ex:  This cold water really rings the bell . घंटी बांधना Ex:  Other events occur during the bell stage. घंटी लगाना Ex:  This is the third heaviest bell in England, weighing 13 tons 10 cwt 99 lb . घण्टा नाद Ex:  The scene ends with the hurricane bell signaling an approaching storm. घण्टी Ex:  C&A shop crews also added safety features such as a bell and headlight. उ:   यहाँ पर घण्टी की आवाज से वह खाने का सम्बन्ध स्थापित कर लेता है। दल पुंज Ex:  A bell calling to prayer, work, lunch द्वार घंटी Ex:  A bell shuddered बो बो करना Ex:  Ball, glass bell संगीत पात्र Ex:  Copter bell
Other : घंटा Ex:  The bell is sounded every hour. उ:   २४ घंटा एक बांग्ला टीवी चैनल है। घंटी Ex:  Although the term "Big Ben" properly refers only to the bell उ:   ये स्पेन का सबसे लम्बा घंटी टावर है। घण्टी बजाना Ex:  The diving bell spider does not use its web directly in prey capture घाँटी Ex:  However, it is time to go now; there goes the bell .
Bell ki paribhasha : ghnte ki bhaaanti bajanevaala dhaatu ka ek baaja jo keval dhvani utpann karane ke liye hota hai, raag bajaane ke liye nahin
Bell synonyms
buzzer siren gong ringer alarm tocsin ding-dong peal toll carillon chime curfew vesper clapper dinger tintinnabulum
Usage of Bell in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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