Belt meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Belt
As noun : इलाका Ex:  This is a belt . उ:   लालबाजार, मध्य कोलकाता का एक इलाका है।
ऊरुसंधि Ex:  He wants to belt me. कटि बन्ध Ex:  He wants to belt me . कमर बन्ध Ex:  Our belt was near by. क्षेत्र Ex:  The Ravana belt the truth. उ:   क्षेत्र का सबसे बड़ा नगर एबर्डीन है। गौधूमीन Ex:  I got this belt from my aunt for my birthday . घाउ Ex:  Minnie has over four hundred wins under his belt . छेतर Ex:  The main asteroid belt occupies the orbit between Mars and Jupiter ठोँ Ex:  The asteroid belt contains tens of thousands थंड Ex:  The main belt is very sparsely populated धमाधम Ex:  Short-period comets are believed to originate in the Kuiper belt निहाथ Ex:  Many Kuiper belt objects have multiple satellites पट्टा बाँधना Ex:  The hilly belt includes the Kathmandu Valley पट्टा लगाना Ex:  Jamaica lies in the hurricane belt of the Atlantic Ocean पट्टा से मारना Ex:  Ceres is the largest body in the asteroid belt पट्टा Ex:  Mars is located closer to the asteroid belt उ:   रफाएल लाल रंग का पट्टा पह नता है और साई का उपयोग लड़ने के लिए करता है। पेटी बाँधना Ex:  Batman's characteristic utility belt was introduced in Detective Comics #29 प्रदेश Ex:  Neptunes largest moon Triton is thought to be a captured Kuiper belt object. उ:   यह प्रदेश की जीवनदायिनी नदियों में से एक है। प्रविषय Ex:  A main belt asteroid, , has been named 9941 Iguanodon in honour of the genus. प्रहार Ex:  It is similar to the asteroid belt उ:   शुक्र पर समूचे हजार भर प्रहार क्रेटर सतह भर मे समान रूप से वितरित है। भावभूमि Ex:  This region is known as the classical Kuiper belt भूमिभाग Ex:  The temperature of the belt is only about 50K मारना Ex:  Like the asteroid belt मुखभंग Ex:  But while the asteroid belt is composed primarily of rock and metal मुल्क Ex:  With a belt as Fernandez described it added to the formulations मोसना Ex:  This causes the Kuiper belt to possess pronounced gaps in its current layout लीस Ex:  The scattered disc is a sparsely populated region beyond the Kuiper belt वलज Ex:  Objects found outside the belt are classed as scattered objects. हति Ex:  Individual asteroids within the main belt are categorized by their spectra हृदयदेश Ex:  When the main belt was first being formed
Other : कटिबंध Ex:  unfasten your belt उ:   यह शीतोष्ण व उष्ण कटिबंध में पाया जाने वाला राइज़ोमयुक्त जलीय पौधा है। घेर लेना Ex:  Beyond the Kuiper belt is the scattered disc पट्टी बनाना Ex:  Drive mechanisms can be a single v-belt, a serpentine belt or multiple v-belts. पट्टी लगाना Ex:  It might be connected to the Germanic word belt पट्टी Ex:  Baltia also might be derived from "belt" and means "near belt of sea ". उ:   इस पट्टी पर कुछ आंकड़े और सूचनाएँ दर्ज की गयी होती हैं। परतला Ex:  The middle belt of Nigeria is known for its diversity of ethnic groups विजेता पट्टा Ex:  Like other members of the belt श्रृंखला Ex:  A main belt asteroid discovered in 1991 उ:   जलाशय के साथ मंदिरो की एक श्रृंखला भी है।
Belt ki paribhasha : lnba kapad jisase kamar baaandhate hai vah vastu jo kisi dusari vastu ke madhy bhaag men use chaaro or se ghere hue padi ho chamade ya mote kapade ki chaudi patti jo kndhe se lekar kamar tak chhaati aur pith par se tirachhi hoti hui aati hai aur jisamen talavaar latakaayi jaati hai tatha kaaratoos aadi rakhe jaate hain chhaati aur pedou ke bich ka sthaan garami saradi ke vichaar se kiye hue prathvi ke paaanch bhaagon men se koi ek dnd dene ke liye kisi ko kisi vastu se pitana ya aaghaat pahuanchaana kisi sthaavar sthaavar snpatti visheshata: bhoomi ke upayog ka adhikaarapatr jo svaami ki or se aasaami, kiraayedaar ya thekedaar ko diya jaay vah sthaan jahaaan ann boya jaata ho kisi desh ka vah bad vibhaag jisaki bhaashaa, ritivyavahaara, jalavaayu, shaasanapaddhati aadi usi desh ke any vibhaagon ki in sab baaton se bhinn hon
Belt synonyms
ring string ribbon strap girdle cincture sash cummerbund waistband region zone layer district area stretch tract territory smash bat sock clobber smack slam whip wallop slug bash blow biff bop switch blast whop
Belt antonyms
surrender fail lose pat tap
Usage of Belt in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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