Beneficial meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Beneficial
As adjective : कार्यकर Ex:  World City status is seen as beneficial
गुणकारक Ex:  Other beneficial effects are suggested फायदाप्रद Ex:  Renewed fighting between Ethiopia and Eritrea has been beneficial to Djibouti लाभदायी Ex:  Hume also proposed a theory of beneficial inflation. लाभप्रद Ex:  These approaches are extremely beneficial to moviemakers उ:   न्यूमोकोकल टीकाकरण भी लाभप्रद हो सकता है। हितप्रद Ex:  It is, by extension, What the action or influence is useful, beneficial
Other : उपकारक Ex:  Fruits are beneficial to health. उपकारी Ex:  Reciprocity in trade between two countries is beneficial to both. उपादेय Ex:  It is beneficial to consult you predecessor,as you are new to your job. उ:   किसी एक को​ उपादेय तथा अन्य को हेय नहीं कहा जा सकता। कल्याण Ex:  Other beneficial compounds in wine include other polyphenols उ:   देवों के कल्याण के लिये उपाय भी उन्ह से पूछा। गुण Ex:  Dead Sea salt has been found to be beneficial to psoriasis patients. उ:   इस प्रणाली का सबसे बड़ा गुण इसी सुगमता है। लाभ Ex:  Weather can have both beneficial and harmful effects. उ:   लाभ न उठाओगे तो अपने ही को हानि पहुँचाओगे । लाभकारी Ex:  The 1952 season proved to be very beneficial for Aaron. उ:   गोदुग्ध अत्यंत ही लाभकारी बताया गया है। लाभदायक Ex:  Nineteen fifty-three also proved beneficial to Aaron off the field. उ:   किंतु उत्पादक ऋण लाभदायक हो सकते हैं। हितकारक Ex:  In a beneficial way ; advantageously for the preservation of life, property, etc उ:   ये पत्ते सुखपूर्वक प्रसव कराने तथा हृदय को भी हितकारक माने गए हैं। हितकारी Ex:  It can also mean who is good, happy, positive, beneficial
Beneficial ki paribhasha : sharir ko aaraam ya aarogyata denevaala
Beneficial synonyms
profitable good useful helpful valuable constructive benign favorable gainful healthful propitious salubrious salutary serviceable toward wholesome worthy favoring good for what ails you what the doctor ordered
Beneficial antonyms
disadvantageous useless worthless harmful hurtful injurious unfortunate bad disagreeable unhelpful hurting unrewarding
Usage of Beneficial in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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