Bent meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bent
As noun : आनचारी Ex:  he bent protectively over the woman
कमर बांधे हुये Ex:  The trees bent before the wind . की ओर रवाना Ex:  Our roses bent gracefully before the breeze . झुकाव Ex:  Ashmole was an antiquary with a strong Baconian bent for the study of nature. उ:   खगोलीय दक्षिणी ध्रुव के बिन्दु का झुकाव -९०° होता है। झोंक Ex:  A half-sitting position with knees bent is often recommended. झौँक Ex:  Warped wood may be described as bent झौँक Ex:  Warped wood may be described as bent परिहृत Ex:  be lying curled up, be lying on its side, legs bent heavily प्रवृत्ति Ex:  Botanical Who is flexed, bent several times in its length उ:   यह प्रवृत्ति जन्मजात होती है। बंकित Ex:  extend, develop what was bent भठ Ex:  In terms of Botany, he said, is a hooked thorns or a bent coat भरभष्ट Ex:  In terms of cabinet, crowbars table, Table with legs slightly bent outside the bottom भिन्नवृत्ति Ex:  It also said the branches bent iron or copper which is used to stop the doors and window curtains भिष्टल ‡ Ex:  It bent under the burden भ्रंश, भ्रंस Ex:  It is bent more and more about me, against me भ्रष्ट Ex:  Many tools are bent उ:   शासन भ्रष्ट तथा असंगठित था और कर्मचारी अकुशल थे। मुड़ा हुआ Ex:  Marine Small anchor that four or five and bent legs that are used for vessels such as boats, canoes, etc मुड़ा Ex:  Music great Sorte long tubes bent trumpet रूचि Ex:  Old age has bent, was all bent उ:   उसे चित्रकला में बहुत रूचि थी। शरघास Ex:  Trombone Paper Clip composed of two bent tubes nested one inside the other, and that lengthens or shortens it at will to produce different tones संस्पृष्टमैथुना Ex:  Which of the two types can not be bent समलिंगकामी Ex:  , He stands bent all हृदयवृत्ति
Other : अराल Ex:  the tree was bent almost double by the gust उ:   महत्वपूर्ण पर्यावरणीय नुकसान हुआ है, जैसे कि अराल सागर के लापता होना। अवनत Ex:  He connected the tape with a bent wire. आनत Ex:  When she bent back, she ripped something . कुबड़ा Ex:  The snow-laden bushes bent down . झुका हुआ Ex:  A more recent development is the recumbent bicycle. टेढा Ex:  A branch is bent spring उ:   यहां स्थापित शिला माता की प्रतिमा का चेहरा कुछ टेढा है। टेढ़ा Ex:  A tree that is recovering after being bent with difficulty नत Ex:  Arts bent iron piece at one or more points, which is used in masonry, carpentry or carpentry strongly attached to something बंक Ex:  By extension, bent Legs बंकिम Ex:  Hand warm game where a person bent on the knees of another and eyes closed, receives blows in one hand, it tends behind her and has to guess who 'touched वंक Ex:  Profile Greek, in which the profile forehead and nose are on a straight or slightly bent at their junction point, as in the Greek statues वलित Ex:  The stem of this plant is bent उ:   अरावली पर्वत प्राचीनतम वलित पर्वत है।
Bent ki paribhasha : madhyaahn rekha se khamadhy ya kisi grah ki doori kaamashaastr ke anusaar ek prakaar ka aalingan jisamen naayika naayak ke saamane usake ghutane par baithakar use gale se lagaate hai ek manovratti jo kisi aisi vastu ki praapti ki or dhyaan le jaati hai jisase kisi prakaar ke sukh ki snbhaavana hoti hai nyaay men ek yatn vishesh jo achchhi dasha men ya kaam ka na rah gaya ho kisi or latakane, pravratt hone ya jhukane ki kriya
Bent synonyms
bowed looped rounded arched crooked hooked inclined stooped twisted drooping limp arced droopy sinuous arciform curvilinear angled wilted contorted hunched warped twined slumped humped doubled over slouchy firm tending set bound dedicated disposed decided intent predisposed leaning fixed settled decisive insistent resolute resolved facility forte aptitude tendency ability penchant propensity tilt genius mind-set proclivity tack preference disposition faculty knack predisposition gift bag aim turn nose predilection flair inclining druthers head-set thing for weakness for
Bent antonyms
uncaring undecided straight changeable indefinite irresolute unwilling flexible soft unfixed weakness disinclination incapacity inability incompetence dislike hate hatred antipathy lack ineptitude stupidity ineptness
Usage of Bent in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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