Bevy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bevy
As noun : अंगनागण Ex:  He saw a bevy of birds.
चिडियों का झुंड Ex:  a bevy of beautiful women टोलिया Ex:  A bevy of beautiful birds were seen on the tree. टोली उ:   अनुशासन भंग करने पर टोली का मुखिया दंडात्मक कार्यवाही करता है। बड़ा झुंड महिला समुदाय रासमंडली स्त्रियों का दल
Bevy ki paribhasha : ek jaati ka baaans jo poorviy himaalaya, sikkim aur aasaam ki or hota hai
Bevy synonyms
gathering assembly crowd cluster flight company covey collection crew band troupe party flock bunch group pack
Bevy antonyms
individual one
Usage of Bevy in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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