Bewilder meaning in hindi
As verb : अँगुरियाना Ex: These puzzles and crosswords bewilder me.
उँगलाना घबरा देना चकित कर देना हक्का बक्का कर देना हैरान करना
Bewilder ki paribhasha : aisi avastha men dalana jisase karta्tav na soojh pade thik raaste se doosari or le jaana ya pherana
ExamplesBewilder synonyms
mystify confound stump perplex rattle befuddle puzzle bemuse upset distract baffle daze stupefy fluster disconcert snow floor throw muddle addle ball up mix up mess with one's head Bewilder antonyms
enlighten explain explicate soothe calm comfort orient clear up clarify help Usage of Bewilder in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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