Bewildered meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bewildered
As noun : किंकतव्याविमढ़ Ex:  You have bewildered by dint of questions
घबराया हुआ भैचक विमूढ़संज्ञ विलक्षित व्याकुलचेता संभ्रात
As adjective : किंकर्तव्यविमूढ़ किंकर्त्तव्यविमूढ‌़ संभ्रांत उ:   यह शहर के संभ्रांत आवासीय क्षेत्रो में जाना जाता है।
Other : आश्चर्य Ex:  Hofmann wrote that despite his delirious and bewildered condition उ:   झारखंड आश्चर्य से भरा है। उचाट Ex:  Having eyes lost, bewildered air is said of a person whose eyes or air seem to announce a disorder of mind Put उद्भ्रांत Ex:  He is a young man bewildered well उद्वेगी Ex:  state of a person bewildered विक्षिप्त व्यामोह हक्काबक्का
Bewildered ki paribhasha : kisi aisi baat par stnbhit jisaka pahale se anumaan tak na raha ho athava jo anahoni ya bhayaanak ho
Bewildered synonyms
perplexed stunned puzzled shocked startled befuddled dazed surprised thrown stupefied lost reeling addled dumbfounded disconcerted stumped misled dizzy muddled agape aghast agog bowled over dumbstruck giddy punchy speechless thunderstruck uncertain baffled rattled awed mystified astonished staggered flustered flabbergasted dazzled astounded appalled floored awe-struck flipped out in a dither shook up taken aback unglued
Bewildered antonyms
aware understanding clear oriented
Usage of Bewildered in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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