Bias meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bias
As noun : अभिनित Ex:  The panels of the dress were cut on the bias .
ऐंड़बैंड़ Ex:  The seamstress sewed the fabric on the bias . किसी गोल वस्तु की एक ओर का भार Ex:  A solution to this is to bias the devices to be just on कुमकु Ex:  The first is that the output's bias level is "clamped" झुकाव Ex:  This may reflect the bias of a water-dependent species उ:   उनका झुकाव साम्यवाद की तरफ था। झौँक Ex:  Any bias attributed to Polybius तिक्खा Ex:  Had this bias toward cats not existed तिरछन Ex:  Because of this systematic Confucian bias on the part of Han scholars तिरछा Ex:  Length bias is the concept that slower growing तिरीछा Ex:  Although it is important to take into account the bias of each ancient author तिरीछो Ex:  Wikipedia tries to address the problem of systemic bias तीछे Ex:  A bias archaic दबाब डालना Ex:  Acception person or persons, we Preference gives a person over another, bringing you tend to deal with bias for or against with दबाव डालना Ex:  and proverbially board to point bias पक्षपात Ex:  Dangerous bias उ:   पाणिनि को किसी मतविशेष में पक्षपात न था। पच्छपात Ex:  Find a bias पूर्वग्रह Ex:  FRANC also works as Widely adverb and it means openly, resolutely, without disguise, without bias पूर्वाग्रह Ex:  His reputation as a first bias for him, against him उ:   सच का पूर्वाग्रह करीबी रिश्तों में विशेष रूप से मजबूत होता है। बँकार Ex:  I'll go with him to the fact, without taking any bias बँकैत Ex:  It also means Who is or can be animated by any feeling of bias बंकट Ex:  It also means, in terms of coat of arms, Sort of a distorted square of bias and asked who is an ecu furniture बंकिम Ex:  It should be without prejudice, without bias बंकुस Ex:  It showed bias revolting बक्र Ex:  Take a case through the good, the bad way, all through, the real bias बेँड़ा Ex:  Take a straight wire cloth, bias वगलौहाँ Ex:  This floor is bias विजिह्म Ex:  Turn right over, go straight wire, or simply straight wire, cut from a cloth two son without bias सरगपताली Ex:  User caution bias and सावीकृत Ex:  With bias
Other : तरफदारी करना Ex:  Thucydides has, at this point, been criticised for bias towards Sparta. तरफदारी Ex:  This bias makes statistical analysis difficult नति Ex:  Cut through fabric on the bias रुझान Ex:  Take bias उ:   जाहिर है वर्जिनिया का भी रुझान आरंभ से ही लिखने-पढ़ने की ओर रहा।
Bias ki paribhasha : vah mat jo bina poornaroop se vichaar kiye sthir kar liya jaata hai jo apane aadhaar par samakon banaata hua na gaya ho kisi or latakane, pravratt hone ya jhukane ki kriya bina uchit anuchit ke vichaar ke kisi ke anukool pravratti ya sthiti
Bias synonyms
intolerance favoritism tilt bigotry prejudice preference leaning unfairness tendency inclination penchant bent predisposition turn prepossession spin flash standpoint proneness propensity preconception predilection mind-set viewpoint chauvinism proclivity one-sidedness illiberality head-set mind trip narrowmindedness angle incline oblique slant cross cant sway distort twist influence warp weight make partial
Bias antonyms
fairness dislike hate disinclination antipathy impartiality justness justice tolerance straighten leave alone be fair be impartial be just
Usage of Bias in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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