Bicameral meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bicameral
As noun : द्विसदन Ex:  The New Hampshire General Court is a bicameral legislative body
As adjective :
दो व्यवस्थापक अंग युक्त Ex:  The National Congress is the Federation’s bicameral legislature दोघरा Ex:  Queen Elizabeth II. The parliament is bicameral द्विआगारिक Ex:  The Act created a bicameral Parliament of New South Wales द्विगृही Ex:  In 1866 Sweden became a constitutional monarchy with a bicameral parliament द्विवेश्म Ex:  The cabinet is responsible to the bicameral parliament द्विसदनी Ex:  The 2002 referendum also included a plan to create a bicameral parliament
Bicameral synonyms
binary amphibian bilateral dual bifurcate diploid amphibious bigeminal binal bipartisan bipartite bisected dichotomic dichotomous distichous dualistic dyadic
Usage of Bicameral in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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