Bicker meaning in hindi
As verb : अन्धाधुंध लडाई Ex: I get jittery when I see the bicker of children. अन्धाधुंध लड़ाई Ex: These two women are constantly bicker कलह करना खटपट करना चनचनाना झगड़ा करना नोंक झोंक करना विवाद करना वेग से बहना शब्द करते हुये चलना जैसे नदीना
Other : कांपना
Bicker ki paribhasha : do aadamiyon ka aavesh men aakar paraspar vivaad karana
ExamplesBicker synonyms
squabble disagree wrangle quibble spar quarrel cavil tiff scrap dig scrape fight caterwaul hassle brawl row spat dispute fall out altercate cause a scene pick at trade zingers Bicker antonyms
concur concede discuss agree make peace Usage of Bicker in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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