Bigot meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bigot
As noun : अपने मत का हठी Ex:  An old bigot
कटृकर Ex:  It's a real bigot कट्टर् धर्मांध धर्मान्ध हठधरमी हठधर्मी उ:   दोनों ही हठधर्मी से अड़े रहे।
Other : कट्टर Ex:  Way to be the bigot कठमुल्ला
Bigot ki paribhasha : bina uchit anuchit ke vichaar ke kisi ke anukool pravratt honevaala saty asatya, uchit anuchit ka vichaar chhodkar apani baat par jame rahana
Bigot synonyms
extremist zealot racist maniac fanatic enthusiast puritan stickler partisan sectarian diehard fiend chauvinist doctrinaire segregationist sexist monomaniac persecutor dogmatist opinionated person superpatriot
Bigot antonyms
humanitarian moderate liberal tolerator
Usage of Bigot in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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