Bill and coo meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bill and coo
As noun : चुम्मा चाटी करना
चूमा चाटी करना
Bill and coo ki paribhasha : prem ke kaaran bachchon ya premapaatron ko prasann karane ke liai unake saath anek prakaar ki cheshta karana
Bill and coo synonyms
pursue cultivate solicit rush court propose beg importune entreat spoon caress charm address date spark chase butter up curry favor make love aim for go steady keep company make advances run after seek in marriage seek the hand of press one's suit with set one's cap for
Bill and coo antonyms
ignore disregard repulse answer
Usage of Bill and coo in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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