Blacksmith meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Blacksmith
As noun : गुहेर Ex:  1657, the son of Thomas Franklin, a blacksmith and farmer, and Jane White.
घणीअर Ex:  Arts Whoever helps a blacksmith beating iron ध्माकार Ex:  Buying andirons in a blacksmith लुहार Ex:  He is particularly known as the blacksmith workshop of a उ:   ज्यादातर लुहार अपना कामकाज छोड़ चुके हैं। लोहघातक Ex:  There are near me a blacksmith with hammer cursed break my head लोहाकार Ex:  In terms of Marshal Prick a horse, bring him the tip of the nail to the raw flesh in the blacksmith लोहार उ:   लोहार ने पहले सूई बनाई तब कडा़ह।
Other : कर्मकार Ex:  His father was a blacksmith and a socialist activist. उ:   कर्मकार पूर्वोत्तर भारत के त्रिपुरा राज्य के अगरतला से आती हैं। लोहकार Ex:  maréchal- Occupation blacksmith उ:   इनके वशंज लोहकार के रूप मे जानें जाते है। लौहकार उ:   और वर्ण के अनुसार लौह शिल्प – लौहकार ब्राह्मण है।
Blacksmith ki paribhasha : ek jaati jo lohe ka kaam karati hai vah jaati jo lohe ki chijen banaati hai
Blacksmith synonyms
plover farrier smithy horseshoer anvil
Usage of Blacksmith in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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