Bladder meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bladder
As noun : थैली Ex:  1725. An autopsy revealed his bladder to be infected with gangrene. उ:   कंगारू की थैली उसके पेट के निचले भाग में रहती है।
फलि हुई कोई वस्तु Ex:  Hobbes suffered a bladder disorder मुत्राशय (वस्ति Ex:  A stone adhering to the bladder मूत्राशय Ex:  A stone in the bladder उ:   परिवारों में मूत्राशय संक्रमण की एक पूर्ववृत्ति उपस्थित हो सकती है। लवणपाटलिका Ex:  Chemistry It is said of a acid which exists in the normal state at low levels in human urine and forms most bladder stones स्योत Ex:  He suffered from bladder he had to be probing हवा भरा हुआ पोला थैला Ex:  Inflate bladder
Other : वस्ति Ex:  gland of humans Anatomy located on the center line and the bottom of the bladder neck
Bladder ki paribhasha : naabhi ke niche ka vah sthaan jisamen mootr snchit rahata hai rupayon se bhari hui thaili
Bladder synonyms
sac pocket vesicle blister bag inflate
Usage of Bladder in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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