Blame meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Blame
As noun : अठागुण Ex:  He took the blame for it
अपगुण Ex:  he took the blame for it अपराद्धि Ex:  was entirely to blame अभिक्रोश Ex:  They put the blame entirely on him. अभिध्यान Ex:  They have to blame themselves for the mess.
The people themselves were not sure of their demands.
अरोप Ex:  We shouldnt blame ourselves for what happenned. अवगनना Ex:  We were forced to assign the blame to Robert . अववाद Ex:  Please don't blame Jill for it . अस्त्यान Ex:  Don't blame it on me . आगस् Ex:  I'm sorry that John got the blame . आदीनव Ex:  All the blame fell on their heads . आरोप Ex:  Don't put the blame on me . उ:   ये आरोप कई विचारों के आसपास हैं। आर्ति Ex:  Close alone took the blame इत्तिहाम Ex:  While most of the blame was attributed to Olivier's acting and direction उत्तरदायित्व Ex:  Although no personal blame attached to Dufferin उ:   लोक सभा में कार्य संचालन का उत्तरदायित्व अध्यक्ष का होता है। उत्तरदायी ठहराना Ex:  Unlike Dryden she does not blame cruelty on distant tyrant leaders. उपक्रोशन Ex:  Instead she places the blame on Colonialism. उलछारना् Ex:  The report puts the main blame on Yasser Arafat and the PA's security forces कटु आलोचना करना Ex:  I do not blame this association कारिखी Ex:  Sonthi will get the blame किलाविष Ex:  The chronicle ascribes blame to Salīh किल्विष Ex:  The report does not place blame on individuals कुचरचा Ex:  Both sides blame each other for the stalling of the referendum. कुजस Ex:  While it appears that Iraqi government forces are to blame कुफर Ex:  Many at the time laid the blame with Alexandra and with Rasputin कुलाधि Ex:  I blame the NSW Eleven for not objecting to Coulthard before the match began कृफुर Ex:  Environmentalists blame Israel खुटपन, खुटपना Ex:  A man without blame, a man to whom one can not blame nothing चिकना घड़ा होना Ex:  Absolutely, He knew praise and blame about छिछियाना Ex:  Action to blame छिद्रता Ex:  All the blame falls on him, falls on it जबाबदेही Ex:  Avoid blame जरायमपेशा Ex:  Blowing hot and cold, Rent and blame the same thing, speak for and against a person be alternately of contrary opinions जिम्मावारी Ex:  Blowing hot and cold, Rent and blame the same thing, speak for and against an individual, be in turn to opinions contrary जिम्मेदार ठहराना Ex:  Bring all the blame of something जिम्मेदारी Ex:  By extension, it is used transitively to mean criticize, blame उ:   यह जिम्मेदारी निभाने वाले को अमीर कहा जाता है। झुँझई Ex:  Distribute blame and praise टिन्नाफिस्स Ex:  Do not approve blame टुचकारा Ex:  Do not blame the benefits त्रिदोष Ex:  Do not blame the world slightly थुक्का Ex:  Find fault, find some flaw, some on blame दोष देना या लगाना Ex:  He also said figuratively of highly Any opinions manifested; and then he mainly uses in speaking of several people who agree to blame someone or disapprove something दोष देना Ex:  He rejected the blame on one who had persuaded him to do it दोष लगाना या अपराधी ठहराना Ex:  He rejected the blame on the bad times दोष लगाना Ex:  He told me about you either good or bad, it does me nothing said about you, or told me about it in terms that indicate neither praise nor blame दोष Ex:  I put this, I leave this on your conscience; I leave, I leave it to your conscience; You will have this on your conscience, if you do this you will have to blame you उ:   यह दोष नियमित या अनियमित दोनों हो सकता है। दोषी ठहराना Ex:  I take the blame on me, I accept responsibility धिक्पारुष्य Ex:  If attracting the blame of all honest people नामधराई Ex:  In terms of Rhetoric , demonstrative Gender, Who is to praise or blame this or that character in a ceremonial speech in a funeral oration, etc निँदरना Ex:  Incurring blame निंदा करना Ex:  It is inappropriate to blame him for this action when it is himself who has advised him निंदा Ex:  It is said, by extension, Take Part someone Him impute something, blame him something complained, in blaming the उ:   अन्य विदेशी नेताओं ने इस घटना की निंदा की। निंद्या Ex:  It means again Report what we heard, and it is used in a sense of blame बिदूखना, बिदूषना Ex:  It says, for exaggeration, light Fouls, actions we blame बिद्दत Ex:  It will take much that I blame you भंगील Ex:  Know -you any person who is of that opinion? Do you know something that we can blame him? Talk to any other person, any other लछण Ex:  Let the two genera can not resume, blame लोही ‡ Ex:  Reject another all the blame for something वकीअत Ex:  Rent, blame excessively विनीय Ex:  Show prove declare that someone is innocent, that he did not deserve punishment, blame विरुक्षण Ex:  substantively, all the blame for this measure falls on him व्यधिक्षेप Ex:  The lie that I have done to you is innocent and does not deserve blame as व्यपकर्ष Ex:  The penalty of blame was infamous व्यवक्रोशन Ex:  The warning precedes the blame शालीनीकरण Ex:  to blame to someone समतिक्रांत Ex:  We can not be too successful to blame the conduct of others सामि Ex:  We can not blame him nothing हति Ex:  We can not blame the हिजा Ex:  We talk variously said of a Share, an event that is related to different ways, or thing that both praise and blame other हृणिया, हृणीया Ex:  You always reject the blame on others
Other : निन्दा करना Ex:  It means figuratively be a spectator of events, rent them or blame them without taking part in निन्दा Ex:  It s employs figuratively to mean that someone or something is worthy of blame
Blame ki paribhasha : chndrama par kaala daag vah karm jisaka phal is lok aur paralok men ashok ho kisi vyakti ya vastu ka doshakathan
Blame synonyms
criticism animadversion reprehension disparagement accusation reprobation arraignment rebuke obloquy tirade castigation charge disapproval attack denunciation invective reproof indictment diatribe complaint attribution slur depreciation censure opposition disfavor reproach incrimination imputation disapprobation remonstrance expostulation reprimand implication repudiation recrimination objurgation inculpation chiding impeachment exprobation culpability onus fault accountability liability guilt burden rap answerability criticize attribute denounce chide knock saddle reprehend reprove frame ascribe disapprove admonish roast impute finger skin upbraid tax blast pass the buck blow the whistle on climb all over denunciate express disapprobation find fault with hold responsible jump all over lay a bad trip on lay to let one have it lower the boom point the finger stick it to jump down one's throat lay at one's door
Blame antonyms
commendation compliment flattery praise exculpation acquittal endorsement health recommendation ratification applause thanks approval sanction harmony peace exoneration retreat exaltation aid benefit blessing help laud exonerate absolve applaud exculpate approve free
Usage of Blame in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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