Bland meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Bland
As noun : बेस्वाद Ex:  bland Beauty day
As adjective :
अरअ Ex:  A bland pudding
A bland diet
A bland little drama
गतरस Ex:  The outer atmosphere is generally bland in appearance निसीठी Ex:  A bland beauty नीरस Ex:  A speech, a bland call फीकरिया Ex:  Bitter taste, sour, bland food, sweet, etc विरलभक्ति Ex:  From the bland meat साठनाठ Ex:  In a bland manner
Other : चिकना Ex:  Uranus' atmosphere is remarkably bland in comparison to the other gas giants
Bland ki paribhasha : tela, ghi, charabi aadi chikane padaarth kai gaaanvon ya kasbon ka samooh jo kisi kaam ke liye niyat ho yajn ke yoop ka niche se pndrah aratni ka sthaan najaakat se yukt prem prasng ka haasa- parihaas sngit men svar ka ek bhed jisamen koi svaad ya maja na ho
Bland synonyms
tedious watery insipid boring wishy-washy tame banal dull blah flat flavorless humdrum monotonous nothing pabulum unexciting uninteresting vanilla vapid weak zero waterish dull as dishwater ho hum milk-and-water nerdy sapless uninspiring unstimulating wimpy pleasant amiable affable civilized congenial courteous gentle good-natured ingratiating oily smooth suave unctuous unemotional urbane soft balmy calm clear lenient soothing calmative mollifying nonirritant nonirritating
Bland antonyms
exciting interesting lively delicious distinctive tasty yummy blasã© unfriendly bright sharp blase ungracious bitter caustic severe zingy hateful disagreeable dull
Usage of Bland in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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