Blasphemy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Blasphemy
As noun : इश्वर निंदा Ex:  As a consequence, France has long had neither blasphemy laws nor sodomy laws .
ईश निंदाआ Ex:  Jesus was immediately accused of blasphemy ईशनिंदा Ex:  "You are right in saying I am," they condemned Jesus for blasphemy . उ:   ईशनिंदा शब्द दो शब्दों - ईश अर्थात ईश्वर तथा निंदा के मेल से बना है। ईश्व Ex:  As a consequence, France has long had neither blasphemy laws nor sodomy laws . ईश्वर निन्दा Ex:  interjection which is impaired by the blood of God, as amended to avoid blasphemy ईश्‍वरनिंदा Ex:  It is also transitive, meaning outraged by blasphemy धर्मनिंदा Ex:  Say blasphemy
Blasphemy synonyms
heresy desecration sacrilege swearing execration scoffing profanity impiety profaneness imprecation scurrility profanation abuse lewdness indignity vituperation reviling impiousness cursing cussing
Blasphemy antonyms
godliness piety religion religiousness reverence respect
Usage of Blasphemy in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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