Bless meaning in hindi
As noun : सुखसमृध्दिसंपन्न करना Ex:  Let us bless the hand that created us
As verb :
असीमना Ex:  No question, I'll miss her, we'll all miss her, God bless you, Princess Grace". आराधना करना Ex:  When he saw it was Hardy he said, "God bless you Hardy". आर्शीवाद देना Ex:  Shortly after "God bless you Hardy" आशिर्वाद देना Ex:  I will bless those who bless you. आशीर्वाद देना Ex:  And by you all the families of the earth shall bless themselves. उपासना करना Ex:  Appoint, elect an abbess bless कृतज्ञ होना Ex:  bless the Lord कृपा याचना करना Ex:  Blessing of arms, flags ; bless the wedding bed, blessed the table, etc जाजना Ex:  By extension, a bell baptize, bless and give it the a name, with certain religious ceremonies धन्य कहना या मानना Ex:  Everyone bless you पविट्र करना Ex:  God bless you friends like पविट्र घोषित करना Ex:  God bless you, familiar manner of speaking that works when a person sneezes प्रफुल्लित करना Ex:  God bless you, says a person who sneezes बक्शे Ex:  God bless your weapons! The Lord will bless your holy enterprise will bless your efforts वरदान देना Ex:  God bless your work वरदान माँगना Ex:  God will bless you used to say, by way of greeting, at lower when approached or touched it was सफल और सुखी बनाना Ex:  It also said the action by which fathers and mothers bless their children सुखसमृध्दशाली बनाना Ex:  It is for the bishops to bless the abbots and abbesses सुखी बनाना Ex:  only the pope he was enthroned he wanted to bless the city of Rome सौभाग्यशाली करना Ex:  Reconciling a church, bless a new church was desecrated
ExamplesBless synonyms
anoint consecrate baptize ordain thank sprinkle glorify magnify offer canonize sacrifice confirm dedicate laud sign commend exalt honor praise extol cross eulogize beatify enshrine hallow absolve panegyrize give thanks to invoke benefits invoke happiness make holy offer benediction pray for pronounce holy endow celebrate provide favor grace Bless antonyms
castigate condemn humiliate shame deny refuse desecrate blame censure denounce reproach curse damn disallow disapprove veto criticize debase take hold disrespect Usage of Bless in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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